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Scoring Methodology & Project Prioritization
Projects are identified through the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, area, neighborhood, spot safety, and corridor plans, as well as citizen requests and in response to operational concerns. Potential projects are scored and prioritized using the below methodology, which was adopted by City Council on October 6, 2020.
Current Projects - Design and Construction
Project Name | Description | Phase |
Avent Ferry Road Improvements | The project includes traffic signal upgrades along Avent Ferry Rd between Gorman Street and Athens Dr. We are also realigning the Avent Ferry Rd. and Athens Drive intersection after NCDOT completes their repaving of Avent Ferry Rd. The project includes intersection improvements at Glencastle Way with the installation of high visibility crosswalks and the installation of a multi-use path from the existing path on Avent Ferry Rd. to Glencastle Way. There will also be two pedestrian refuge islands installed. One near the Crab Orchard Drive and one at Glencastle Way. ADA ramps will also be upgraded. | Design |
Buffaloe Road Pedestrian Improvements | We are building a sidewalk connection from the sidewalk being installed as part of the Prose New Hope development and existing sidewalk near Valley Stream Drive. Our team is coordinating with the design team of the Prose New Hope development project to determine design needs for this project. | Design |
Cabarrus Street Sidewalk Improvements | We are designing curb ramp upgrades along Cabarrus Street between S. East Street to S. Swain Street. The team will be assessing and upgrading the curb ramps to meet current ADA compliance standards. | Design |
Fonville Road Pedestrian Connection | This project includes a lane realignment, pavement markings and vertical delineators to create a separation between pedestrians and vehicles. | Design |
Garner Road Pedestrian Improvements | We are installing sidewalk on west side of Garner Rd. from the existing sidewalk to Walnut Creek Trail Entrance and from Hoke St. north to McMakin St. We are also installing four pedestrian crossings with pedestrian refuges islands and a high visibility crosswalk at Garner Rd. and Bragg St. | Design |
Lake Boone Trail Safety Improvements | The project will reduce travel lanes along the roadway to two lanes between the I-440 ramps and Ridge Road. We will install a left turn lane, and bicycle lanes along the street. | Construction |
Martin Luther King Jr Blvd. Pedestrian Improvements | We are assessing and upgrading curb ramps to ADA standards at intersections along MLK Blvd. from Wilmington St to Rock Quarry Road. The project also includes restriping the right turn lane from MLK Blvd to East Street to slow down turning speeds. | Design |
Oberlin Road Streetscape | We are making improvements to Oberlin Road from Groveland Avenue to just north of Roberts Street, with wider sidewalks, revised traffic lanes, bus stops, and landscaping. | Construction |
Shanta Drive Pedestrian Improvements | The project includes the installation of ADA compliant curb ramps at the Shanta Dr. and Milburnie Rd. intersection on the west side of Milburnie Rd. The project creates a bicycle and pedestrian friendly connection to the Crabtree Creek Trail Greenway with a new sidewalk on northeast side of the Shanta Dr. and Milburnie Rd. intersection. | Design |