construction on Lake Boone Trail.


Lake Boone Trail Safety Improvements

Improving mobility and connectivity for pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular traffic

The Lake Boone Trail Safety Improvement Project is a Complete Streets project. The project limits are from the I-440 ramps to Ridge Road.

The project includes:

  • A road diet;
  • Repaving;
  • Traffic signal modifications; and,
  • Bicycle/pedestrian improvements.

Lake Boone Trail is currently a four-lane undivided street. The project will reduce travel lanes along the roadway to two lanes between the I-440 ramps and Ridge Road. We will install a left turn lane, and bicycle lanes along the street. The project also proposes at least one pedestrian refuge island to improve connectivity to transit and the House Creek Greenway Trail.

Project Details

$1.3 Million
Project Lead:
Keith Tew
AMT Engineering



Project Manager 
Keith Tew 

Division Manager
Sylvester Percival

Comment Form

Lead Department:
Engineering Services
Participating Department:




The design phase of the project is complete. 

Based off of feedback we received during and after our design meeting we decided to allow left turns into Thomas Drive from Lake Boone Trail using channelizing medians. View the updated design plan. 


Lake Boone Trail Safety Improvement Design Presentation - Roadway Design and Construction

Lead Department:
Engineering Services


Construction Updates

February 5, 2025

Our crews have wrapped up all the paving, concrete work, bus shelter moves, and signage. They’re just putting the finishing touches on the signal upgrades along Ridge Road. We’ll be painting the final pavement markings in early April when the weather is warmer.

January 9, 2025

Contractors are currently working on the traffic signal installation and anticipate completing it by spring, along with the new pavement markings. Due to the cold temperatures, progress has slowed and not much work can be done at this time. The project is expected to be finished this spring.

December 4, 2024

This project is substantially complete. However, due to the cold temperatures, pavement marking cannot be completed until spring. Crews cannot apply thermoplastic material until the road surface is at least 55 degrees. 

November 27, 2024

All sidewalk work, roadway milling, and resurfacing have been completed. The pedestrian refuge islands and bicycle facilities are also complete. Crews are expected to start the thermoplastic marking process and install new signage within the next two weeks. 

October 10, 2024

Our contractors are working on the curb and gutter and they're wrapping up milling operations. Once these actions are completed, crews will begin paving and finish work on traffic signal modifications. 

Traffic Alert: Crews completed milling operations at the end of September. Milling creates a rough surface on the roadway. Please drive slowly through the work zone. 

The milling operation is in preparation for new pavement and pavement markings that the contractor will install in the next few weeks. To keep traffic congestion to a minimum, they will complete this work during the overnight hours. However, delays are still possible throughout the corridor.

Lead Department:
Engineering Services


July 20 - Aug. 3Virtual Pre-Design Touchpoint
Fall 2021Start Design Process
Winter 2022Design Phase Public Meeting
Summer 2023Advertise for Construction Bids
Summer 2024Start Construction
Spring 2025Project Complete

Voiceover Presentation

Don't have time to watch the whole meeting but want to know the nuts and bolts of the project. This short video gives an overview of the project. 


Lake Boone Trail Safety Improvements Design Presentation - Roadway Design and Construction

Project Scope

Two images showing the reduced number of crash points with a three lane roadway verses a four lane roadway.

A three lane road pattern reduces the number of points of conflict between moving vehicles as illustrated in this diagram from a Federal Highway Administration Safety Program Information guide.

Lake Boone Trail is currently a four-lane street without turn lanes or bike lanes. This lane configuration tends to have more crashes because of conflicts with turning vehicles.

When drivers wait to turn left onto a side street or the interstate, they block a travel lane. Sometimes this leads to rear-end crashes, or drivers change lanes to go around stopped cars and cause a sideswipe crash. The main part of the project is a lane reconfiguration. We will change this section of Lake Boone Trail to a three-lane roadway with a center turn lane.

The new lane pattern reduces the number of points of conflict between moving vehicles.

We will also add bike lanes and improve pedestrian safety along the corridor. The project will include adding at least one pedestrian refuge island, making it easier and safer for people crossing the street. 

Watch the Pre-Design Video to learn more about the planning of the project. 

Lake Boone Trail Safety Improvement Pre-Design - Roadway Design and Construction

Project History

Lake Boone Trail was identified in the City of Raleigh's 2030 Comprehensive Plan. The evolution of the project also stems from street design changes and Raleigh’s street standards that were adopted in 2013.

The 2013, City of Raleigh Street Plan designates this section of Lake Boone Trail as a two-lane divided avenue. This street was previously designated as a minor thoroughfare.

The City of Raleigh secured federal funding in February 2021 through the North Carolina Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) Locally Administered Project’s Program (LAPP).