Arial shot of New Bern Avenue


Wake BRT: New Bern Avenue Design and Construction

Connecting downtown Raleigh with WakeMed and New Hope Road with frequent and reliable transit

New Bern Avenue Corridor

The Wake BRT: New Bern Avenue will connect downtown Raleigh with WakeMed and New Hope Road. 

In November of 2016, Wake County voters approved a plan for focused investment in public transit which puts the implementation of the Wake County Transit Plan in motion. The plan calls for building approximately 20 miles of transit lanes along four (4) Bus Rapid Transit corridors within Wake County (Wake BRT).

Project Details

Transportation Improvements
Project Lead:
Roadway Design & Construction



Project Manager
Aya Aldais 

Project Manager
Stephane Belinga 

Project Supervisor
Sam Brewer 

BRT Program Manager
Het Patel
Contact Het with any questions about BRT.

Lead Department:
Participating Department:
Engineering Services
Service Unit:
Public Transportation




The planning phase began in 2012 with the New Bern Avenue Corridor Study. The study gave recommendations for improving the appearance of the corridor and strategies for revitalizing the area with economic development. The study also suggested ways to support pedestrian, bicycle and transit use along the corridor with a vision for Bus Rapid Transit. 

In 2016, the Wake Transit Plan identified four (4) BRT corridors for implementation by 2027. The New Bern Avenue Corridor connecting from Downtown Raleigh to WakeMed/New Hope was one (1) of the corridors identified. The New Bern Avenue Corridor was evaluated further through the Wake Transit Plan Major Investment Study (MIS) which was completed in 2018. 

In 2016, the Wake Transit Plan identified four BRT corridors for implementation by 2027. The New Bern Avenue Corridor connecting from Downtown Raleigh to WakeMed/New Hope was one of the corridors identified. The New Bern Avenue Corridor was evaluated further through the Wake Transit Plan Major Investment Study (MIS) which was completed in 2018.

In order to gather public input, two Design Open Houses were held. 

The first Design Open House occurred on June 25, 2019 to present the benefits of BRT and show preliminary station locations and BRT design concepts. Based off comments and feedback received, a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) was created. 

The second Design Open House was held on October 29, 2019 to present updated preliminary station locations and display updated BRT design concepts.  A presentation was given during the Design Open House and a summary handout was available.

Phase Contacts


Het Patel

Transit Planning


Lead Department:


This phase is complete. 

Approximately 3.3 miles of the 5.1-mile corridor will use dedicated transit lanes between the GoRaleigh Station, in downtown Raleigh, and Sunnybrook Road.

BRT will share the general traffic lanes for the remainder of the corridor between Sunnybrook Road and New Hope Road. 

What's Happening

Our design team is wrapping up the final designs and we started the right of way and easement acquisition phase of the project. 

Project limits Map

This map outlines the project limits and shows the proposed BRT transit stops along the corridor.

New Bern Avenue Advanced Station Location Map
Lead Department:
Engineering Services

Right of Way Acquisition

The Right of Way and Easement Acquisition phase of the project is complete. Survey crews marked proposed easements, and the City's Real Estate Analysts contacted people whose property will be impacted. 

Have Question?

For questions about real estate, contact Real Estate Analyst, Greg Pittman.

For questions about the project design, contact the Project Manager, Sam Brewer, PE

Fall 2022 Project Update Video

Watch this video to learn more about the Right of Way and Easement Acquisition phase of the project. 

Wake BRT: New Bern Avenue Project Update - Fall 2022

Phase Contacts


Sam Brewer, PE

Project Manager


Lead Department:
Engineering Services


Wake BRT Industry Day Recap

The City hosted an Industry Day event for the Wake Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project on Monday, January 27, at the Chavis Community Center. Several contractors, consultants, and stakeholders attended to provide feedback and ask questions about the project specifics.

Sam Brewer, Project Supervisor for Roadway Design and Construction, and Het Patel, Transit Planning Supervisor for the Transit Division, presented the design plans for the Wake BRT - New Bern Avenue Project. City staff addressed attendees' questions and discussed logistics with contractors.

Current Plans for Wake BRT New Bern

We are re-advertising this project and have divided it into four construction packages:

  • Clearing and grubbing (Area 2)
  • Horizontal roadway work (Areas 1 & 3)
  • Horizontal roadway work (Area 2)
  • Vertical stations work

Watch the presentation given during the BRT Industry Day. During the presentation, the team updated potential contractors, gathered feedback on past bidding efforts, and listened to contractor’s insights. 

We are still gathering contractors comments. Once you have watched the presentation please fill out our comment form.  

Wake Bus Rapid Transit Industry Day Presentation

Phase Contacts


Sam Brewer, PE

Lead Department:
Engineering Services

Design plan for Area 1. 

Design plan for Area 2. 

Design plan for Area 3. 

Project Update - January 2025

We are working to hire a contractor for the project. The City advertised the project for construction bids twice, once in spring 2024 and again in fall 2024.

We received no offers for the first advertisement. Due to the lack of offers, the team consulted with contractors and other agencies that have built BRT lines in different cities and reevaluated the proposed contract. We decided to break the project into two construction contracts: one for the roadway and underground utility work and one for the construction of the stations along the new BRT line. We then readvertised the new construction plans. This time, we only received one construction bid, which was substantially over budget.

On January 7, 2025, the team requested that the City Council reject Fred Smith Company's bid of $112.9 million, 58 percent higher than the engineer's estimate of $71.6 million.

A new construction bid strategy.

The team has decided to break the construction down into four parts. 
1.    Clearing and grubbing 
2.    Roadwork between Poole Road and Wake Med
3.    Roadwork east of I440 and sections of downtown
4.    Station building

We will also give contractors more time to complete the project. Initially, construction was scheduled to take two years, but based on contractors' comments, we expect the process to take three years. This new schedule shows the project being completed in late 2028.

The City is holding an Industry Day on January 27, 2025, at 1 p.m. at the Chavis Community Center, located at 500 Martin Luther King Boulevard. This is an opportunity for construction contractors interested in the project to talk with City staff and ask questions about the project. 

Private Utility Relocation

Before the City starts construction, private utility companies need to relocate their services that conflict with the project. This work is taking place along the corridor.

Work will take place between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. Please expect intermittent lane closures along New Bern Avenue between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.


2018Wake Transit Plan Major Investment Study
Spring 20190 - 30% Design Begins
Summer 2019New Bern Avenue Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) Selected
Winter 2019Federal Small Starts Application
Spring 202030% Design Complete
Spring 2020Final Design Begins
Winter 2022Advanced Design Complete
Fall 2022Right of Way & Easement Acquisition Complete
Fall 2022Project Update & Open House
Nov. 7, 2023Wake Bus Rapid Transit New Bern Avenue Groundbreaking Ceremony
Late Fall 2023BRT Open House
Spring 2025Pre-Construction Meeting
Summer 2025Start Construction
Late 2028Project Completed

Station Design

Based on feedback from stakeholders and municipal partners, conceptual designs for Wake BRT stations are being developed. Your feedback from Spring 2021 Virtual Open House was considered on certain elements of the stations, like lighting and materials. Thank You for Participating!

This video highlights the conceptual station design renderings for Wake Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and includes station amenities and features, and how pedestrians and bicyclists will access BRT stations. 

Wake Bus Rapid Transit - Station Design - Transit

Project Update Videos

This is a listing of project update videos. you can watch these videos to stay up to date on the project's progress. 


In early March 2020, City Council passed a motion that combined the New Bern Avenue Pedestrian Project with the Wake BRT: New Bern Avenue Project.

Combining these two projects allows the installation of enhanced pedestrian facilities and will eliminate back to back construction along the corridor.

Past Design Public Engagement

Virtual Open House Nov. 2022

In November, the team held a Virtual Open House. The purpose of the open house was to provide an update on how the project is progressing. Along with web updates and a live virtual Q&A session, there were several in-person drop-in style sessions throughout the month. 

Virtual Engagement - May 2021

In May 2021, City staff and consultants hosted a Virtual Open House to gather public and stakeholder feedback and provide an update on the corridor design well as station design, branding and art. 

Virtual Engagement – November 2020 

In November 2020, the City of Raleigh staff and consultants hosted a Virtual Open House to provide an overview of the BRT program, provide project-specific updates and gather public and stakeholder feedback.