Drone image of a section of Blue Ridge Road before construction stared


Blue Ridge Road Widening - South

From from Duraleigh Road to Homewood Banks Drive

About the Project 

The purpose of this project is to provide a safer street for vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians along the Blue Ridge Road corridor from Duraleigh Road to Homewood Banks Drive. 

The project includes:

  • Curb and gutter;
  • Sidewalks; and,
  • A multi-use path.

Project Details

Carolina Sunrock LLC (Construction Contractor) and Kimley Horn (Design Consultant)



Project Manager
Dennis Trujillo

Division Manager
Sylvester Percival, PE

Comment Form 

Lead Department:
Engineering Services
Participating Department:




Construction Updates  

March 2025

This winter has seen bitter cold temperatures and even some snow. This type of weather is not very conducive to roadway construction work, see the February update post for more about cold weather and construction impacts. The good news is that Carolina Sunrock has shifted its team to work on items not as affected by weather, keeping the project moving. Even with cold and snowy weather, the project management team is happy to say the project is on schedule, and crews are making excellent headway with the project. 

There is a new sidewalk from Homewood Banks Drive to just shy of Glen Eden Drive. The multi-use path is also coming along nicely from Glen Eden Drive to Duraleigh Road, and the new stormwater system along the roadway is moving along as well. The team just finished installing the storm drain system at Homewood Banks Drive and will now start working on the other half of the roundabout.  

In the next few weeks, you should see more of the sidewalk and multi-use path installed and work on the other half of the roundabout at Homewood Banks Drive. A crew is also installing the root bridge near Glen Eden Drive. This root bridge is a concrete sidewalk built over the tree roots. Stayed tuned for more about how the root bridge works. Once we get some drier weather the contractor will start work back up in the area between Glen Eden and Noremac Drive.   

February 2025

Due to large swings in the temperature during the winter months in North Carolina, roadway construction can be hard. When Raleigh has very cold temperatures, like it did in January, crews are not able to do either concrete or asphalt work. Both asphalt and concrete require the air and ground to be at certain temperatures. If the temperature is too cold, asphalt will not stick, and concrete will not cure properly. 

With the warmer weather Raleigh has had in the last few weeks, the crews have made some good headway. 

This month, crews are working on:

  • Paving a section of the new multi-use path;
  • Sanitary sewer, water, and stormwater lines between Homewood Banks Drive and Glen Eden Road;
  • The installation of the new sidewalk along the roadway; and,
  • Grading operations for widening and realignment of the roadway..    
Lead Department:
Engineering Services


Date Activity
Fall 2021Right of Way and Easement Acquisition
Fall 2023Private Utility Relocation - Currently Ongoing
Winter 2024Advertise for Construction Bids - Southern Section
Apr. 24, 2024Pre-Construction meeting
May 23, 2024Second Pre-Construction Meeting
Spring 2024Start Construction - Southern Section
Spring 2026Project Completion - Southern Section