Homes with bike rider in front

Efficient Land Use

The design of the city and how we plan for the future largely determines how residents and visitors will get around. A shift towards denser urban areas makes it easy to walk, bike, or take transit to work, school, or other destinations rather than relying on personal vehicles. In Raleigh, this means simply allowing more people to live and work downtown and in walkable places throughout the community. It also means investing in transit and making walking and biking more safe, convenient, and comfortable. 

The City is supporting these efforts by reforming zoning to allow increased density near transit investments and other walkable places. The City is also investing in affordable housing development in these areas, ensuring that households at a range of income levels are able to find housing. These actions are working to expand housing choice and reduce reliance on driving in Raleigh. 



Jason Hardin

Service Categories:
Climate Action
