Parks Alerts

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Greenway Alerts

Parks Status Alerts

Parks Status Codes

  • Code Red Indicates Closed
  • Code Yellow Indicates status will be an on site decision or partial closure
  • Code Green Indicates Open
Code Green

Field Status

Code Green


Field status is updated daily around 4 p.m. Monday through Friday and around 7 a.m. Saturday and Sunday.

Please check the weather line for status updates throughout the day: 919-996-6575.

Coaches and or team managers, any changes in field status beyond this point will be communicated to you through your league administrator.

June 29 is Code Green, which indicates all fields are open. 

Code Red

Ridge Road Pool Closed

Ridge Road Pool is closed due to a critical issue with the filtration system. Our Aquatic Maintenance team is actively working to get the necessary repair parts. Updates will be posted on our website.

Places Affected

Code Yellow

Optimist Pool Locker Room Closure

Beginning Monday, June 10 Optimist Pool’s Locker Rooms will be closed for renovations.

  • The pool will remain open for lap swimmers/water walkers, lane rental organizations, and our Intra City Swim Team.
  • Bathroom Trailers will be available during the renovations.
  • A rinse shower will be available in the hallways that lead to the locker rooms.

Places Affected

Services Affected

Code Yellow

Lake Wheeler Low Water Level Notice

Due to low water levels and drought conditions on Lake Wheeler, all trailered boats over 18 feet in length are strongly encouraged not to attempt launching your vessels. Potential for damage to vessels and/or trailers is possible.

Additionally, all boaters need to be aware of potential low-water hazards and exposed shorelines during this time. Lake Wheeler water levels are monitored each day and patrons can contact the park office daily for status updates.   

For more information, please contact Lake Wheeler Park at 919-996-6740. tel:919-996-6740

Places Affected

Greenway Alerts

As greenways trails and structures age, maintenance and repairs are necessary. Due to the nature of this work, the trails will occasionally need to be closed to complete this work in a safe and efficient manner.

View the latest closures and repairs here.





Lead Department:
Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources
Service Categories: