View of baseball field

Athletic Field at Baileywick Park

Athletic Field Rentals

Rules and Rental information for Raleigh Parks' Fields

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Athletic Field and Court Rules Baseball and Softball Field Rentals Multipurpose Fields and Open Spaces

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Raleigh Parks is responsible for many different types of athletic fields. These fields include baseball fields, softball fields, multipurpose fields, and open spaces. Most of the fields are available for the public to reserve.

Request your field rental online using RecLink or contact Athletics at 919-996-2154.

Take note: Requests will be subject to staff approval. Upon approval, payment will be required to confirm the reservation. Your reservation is not finalized until you receive confirmation of your payment.

Athletic Field and Court Rules

  • No Pets (Leashed or Unleashed) are Allowed on athletic fields or courts at any time.
  • Dispose of Trash Properly – Please place all trash in designated receptacles.
  • No Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco, or Glass Containers are allowed on the fields or courts.
  • No Golfing on the athletic fields.
  • No Vehicles of any kind are permitted on the fields.
  • Do Not Hit, Throw, or Kick Balls into the Fence – This can damage the facility.
  • No Play on Wet, Muddy, or Frozen Fields – Playing in these conditions causes damage to the fields and may be considered vandalism.
  • No Commercial Activities are allowed without prior authorization or a permit.
  • Rental Groups and Maintenance Staff have priority use of the fields.
  • Violations of any of the above rules may be considered a misdemeanor under NCGS 14- 4.
  • Permits are required for all organized group use of park space.

Helpful Phone Numbers 
To Reserve Fields - 919-996-6836
Help in Emergency – 911
Raleigh Police Department  919-829-1911
Park Maintenance  919-996-4115

Baseball and Softball Field Rentals

  • There are youth and adult fields
  • Fence distance varies from site to site
  • Most fields have lights

Fees: Field - $40/hour | Lights - $25/hour | Application - $15/session

LocationTypeLightsCenter FieldP/B
Baileywick #1 Baseball Y 285 ft 50/70
Baileywick #2 Baseball Y 250 ft 43/60
Biltmore Hills #1 Youth Baseball Y 190 ft 43/60
Biltmore Hills #2 Softball Y 300 ft 46/65
Brentwood #1 Youth Baseball Y 184 ft -/50
Carolina Pines #1 Softball Y 293 ft 46/65
Carolina Pines #2 Softball Y 289 ft 46/65
Carolina Pines #3 Youth Baseball Y 180 ft 48/70
Cedar Hills #1 Baseball/Softball Y 336 ft 60/90
John Chavis Memorial Youth Baseball Y 185 ft -/50
Green Road #1 Baseball Y 350 ft 60/90
Green Road #2 Baseball Y 287 ft 54/80
Honeycutt Baseball/Softball Y 289 ft 60/90
Jaycee Softball Y 260 ft 43/60
Jaycee #2 Youth Softball Y 248 ft 43/60
Jaycee Little Youth Baseball Y 191 ft 48/70
Kentwood Youth Baseball Y 188 ft 43/60
Kiwanis Baseball Y 185 ft 43/50
Lake Lynn Youth Baseball Y 300 ft -/50
Laurel Hills #1 Youth Baseball Y 300 ft 43/60
Laurel Hills #2 Youth Baseball Y 300 ft 54/80
Lions #1 Softball Y 309 ft 50/70
Lions #2 Softball Y 317 ft 50/70
Lions #3 Youth Baseball Y 264 ft 43/60
Lions #4 Baseball Y 350 ft 60/90
Marsh Creek Baseball Y 254 ft 43/50
Method Youth Baseball N 197 ft -/50
Millbrook #1 Softball Y 301 ft 50/70
Millbrook#2 Softball Y 300 ft 50/70
Millbrook #3 Youth Baseball Y 198 ft 43/60
North Hills Youth Baseball Y 195 ft 43/60
Oakwood #1 Softball Y 253 ft 43/60
Oakwood #2 Baseball Y 179 ft 43/60
Optimist #1 Softball Y 183 ft -/60
Optimist #2 Baseball Y 292 ft 43/60
Pullen #1 Softball Y 270 ft 50/70
Pullen #2 Youth Baseball Y 257 ft 54/80
Roberts Youth Baseball Y 185 ft 43/60
Sanderford #1 Youth Baseball/Softball Y 295 ft 60/90
Sanderford #2 Youth Baseball Y 200 ft 48/70
Spring Forest Youth Baseball/Softball Y 200 ft 43/60
Worthdale #1 Softball Y 275 ft 50/70
Worthdale #2 Youth Baseball Y 189 ft -/50

Other fields available for tournament scheduling - Buffaloe Road Athletic Park & Walnut Creek Softball Complex 

Multipurpose Fields and Open Spaces

  • Field size varies from site to site
  • Can be used for most any sporting event
  • Fields do not have lights

Fees: Field - $40/hour | Application - $15/session

Please note that some fields are closed for renovations. View the latest in field status.

LocationName of FieldSize of Field
Abbotts Creek Abbott’s Creek #1 275' x 150'
  Abbott’s Creek #2 275' x 150'
Baileywick Baileywick #3  
Beaver Dam Creek Banbury #1 190' x 145'
Brentwood Brentwood MP Field 284' x 281'
Brier Creek Brier Creek #1 300' X 161'
  Brier Creek #2 290' x 161'
John Chavis Memorial Chavis MP Field 300' x 210'
Eastgate Eastgate MP Field 240' x 210'
Eliza Pool Eliza Pool 200' x 160'
Fred Fletcher Fred Fletcher (Upper) 300' x 195'
  Fred Fletcher (Lower)  
Glen Eden Glen Eden MP Field 250' x 125'
Halifax Halifax MP Field 300' x 225'
Kiwanis Kiwanis Open 1 300' x 175'
  Kiwanis Open 2 310' x 225'
Laurel Hills Laurel Hills MP Field 150' x 150'
Marsh Creek Marsh Creek MP Field 240' x 200'
Method Method MP Field 300' x 175'
Peach Road Peach Road MP Field 200' x 250'
Powell Drive Powell Drive MP Field 225' x 150'
Southgate Southgate 150' x 150'
Williams Williams Open 1 260' x 220'

Note: Some parks have open spaces used for programming that are rented by the park/center.


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Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources
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