Camp Pond Dam


Durant Nature Preserve Stream & Stormwater Improvements

Stream Restoration and Green Stormwater Infrastructure

The City is developing detailed design plans for restoration of an existing stormwater pond, or detention pond, and small stream channel located directly below at Durant Nature Preserve.

Future construction of the project will be partially funded by NCDEQ’s Water Resources Development Grant (WRDG) Program.

Project Details

$508,441 (Feasibility Study, Conceptual Design, Detailed Design, and Permitting)
Project Lead:
Stormwater Management
AECOM (Study/Design)



Kyle Bucher
Senior Engineer

Lead Department:
Engineering Services
Participating Department:
Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources
Service Unit:




Stream condition and stormwater pond assessment and conceptual design was completed in 2021.

Lead Department:
Engineering Services


Detailed design and permitting are currently underway for this project. Anticipated completion is early 2024.

Detention Pond

Design for restoring the existing detention pond, located near the corner of Spottswood and Welborn Streets, involves converting it into a wet pond with continuous monitoring adaptive control (CMAC) smart technology. This will restore and enhance the pond’s existing function to better capture, slow down, and treat the nearly 15 acres of drainage it receives from upstream development. This will improve water quality of the runoff leaving the pond and protect the downstream channel and Lower Durant Lake from erosion and sedimentation.

What is a Detention Pond?

Stormwater detention ponds (also sometimes called dry ponds) are designed to detain stormwater for some minimum amount of time (e.g., 24 hours) to reduce flow and allow particles and pollutants to settle. Detention ponds were once popular to install for their flood control benefit, but are used less now given their limited ability to provide water quality treatment.

What is a Wet Pond?

Wet ponds (also referred to as wet retention ponds) are constructed basins that have a permanent pool of water throughout the year (or at least throughout the wet season). Wet ponds provide water quality benefits by allowing sediment to settle and through uptake of nutrients through biological activity in the pond.

Downstream Channel

Design for the downstream channel involves filling in the existing eroding gully and incised channel and constructing a new channel in the riparian area to the west, known as a Priority 1 stream restoration. The overall goal of this project is to stop active erosion, improve stream health and water quality, reduce the amount of sediment reaching the downstream lake, and provide a safe and educational experience for citizens using nearby trails.

Stormwater Wet Pond Rendering

Stormwater Wet Pond Rendering provided by AECOM

Durant Stream Restoration Rendering

Durant Stream Restoration Rendering

Lead Department:
Engineering Services


The City advertised for construction bids in October 2024. Once a contract is awarded, we anticipate construction to begin in early 2025 and take approximately 7 months to complete. During construction, a portion of the Border Trail at Durant Nature Preserve will be closed and there will be, at times, temporary single lane closures at the corner of Spottswood and Welborn Streets.

Lead Department:
Engineering Services

Project Map

The Durant Nature Preserve Stream & Stormwater Improvement Map provides details and locations of the stream, future wet pond, and trail closures during construction.


2021Feasibility study conducted and conceptual design completed
Spring 2024Detailed design and permitting completed
Early 2025Construction begins


Purchased by the City in 1979, the 237-acres at Durant Nature Preserve includes several small streams that receive stormwater from developed areas surrounding the preserve. These streams flow into the upper and lower lakes before continuing downstream into the Perry Creek and eventually the Neuse River. Other stormwater projects at the preserve include repairs to the lower dam and a wetland conversion of the upper lake.

An eroded stream at Durant Nature Preserve in Raleigh

An eroded stream at Durant Nature Preserve in Raleigh. This stream also has a head cut or an abrupt vertical drop in the streambed, which impacts the quality and function of the stream. 

Now, we are focusing on restoring a stream that flows into the lower lake at the preserve. The stream’s banks are actively eroding due to large amounts of runoff coming from upstream development, including impervious areas such as streets, rooftops, and parking lots. Impervious areas prevent stormwater from soaking into the ground and increases the amount of runoff and pollutants that reach the stream.

Upstream, we are also restoring a stormwater detention pond that is no longer functioning properly. This pond was built in the 1980s to capture and slow down nearly 15 acres of impervious development upstream, but lack of maintenance has caused it to become filled with trash, debris, sediment, and nuisance vegetation. As a result, runoff from large storm events frequently overtops and bypasses the pond, which has contributed to severe erosion, the degradation of the stream,  and deposition of large volumes of sediment into Lower Durant Lake. 

By including the upstream pond and incorporating smart technology, we will be able to better predict, prepare for and manage flows entering the restored downstream tributary. These improvements will: 

  • Restore an existing dry pond and stream; 
  • Reduce erosion; 
  • Improve stream health and water quality;  
  • Reduce the amount of sediment going to the lower lake; and, 
  • Improve safety for park users, especially those using the Border Trail. 

Learn More about Raleigh’s Watersheds