Eastgate Dam


Eastgate Park Dam Rehabilitation

Updating and Repairing the Dam Structures

We are updating and repairing the dam at Eastgate Park. The goal of this project is to bring the dam into compliance with NC Dam Safety (NCDS) by updating the primary spillway and banks of the dam. Although bringing the Dam back into compliance with NCDS is the primary goal of the project, updating and repairing this dam will ensure that Eastgate Park Lake remains in place and continues to provide downstream flood control and water quality improvement benefits along Big Branch Creek and Crabtree Creek. These benefits improve downstream public safety and aquatic habitat.

Project Details

Lakes, Streams, and Dams
$5.8 million (Design and construction)
Project Lead:
Stormwater Management
Hazen & Sawyer (Design), Contractor (TBD)



Greg Marshall
Senior Engineer

Lead Department:
Engineering Services
Service Unit:




The city received the preliminary design plans for review. A review meeting was scheduled for mid January 2025 to discuss the proposed changes prior to detailed design. 

Lead Department:
Engineering Services


We will construct a new spillway and regrade the dam banks. Feedback from Raleigh Stormwater, Raleigh Parks, and residents within the Eastgate Park Community will be used throughout the design process.

Public Meeting

We are hosted a public meeting in February 2025 to share updates, designs, and timelines for the project, and receive feedback from the public. Read and download the project fact sheet.

Lead Department:
Engineering Services


Fall 2023Project Planning complete
Late Summer 2024Project Design begins
Late Winter/ Early Spring 2025Public Meeting scheduled
Late Summer 2025Project Design complete
Summer 2026Construction begins
Mid Fall 2027Construction Completed

Project Area Map


Eastgate Park opened in 1972 as a 25-acre public facility with numerous amenities and the 2.4 acre Coopers Pond that is contained by Eastgate Park Dam. In 2023, the city completed a Preliminary Engineering Report that detailed the safety deficiencies found in the dam. The report did not identify any major safety concerns, but did identify problems that need to be addressed to bring the dam back into compliance with NC Dam Safety.