Carolina Avenue


Carolina Avenue Street and Sidewalk Improvement Project

We are making street improvements!

The Carolina Avenue street and sidewalk improvement project is the result of a successful petition for desired street and sidewalk improvements received by the City and authorized by City Council on January 4, 2022.  This project is currently awaiting funding allocation.


Project Details

Transportation Improvements
Lead Department:
Participating Department:
Engineering Services
Service Unit:
Mobility Strategy and Infrastructure




Next Steps


The City plans to improve Carolina Avenue from Western Boulevard to Powell Drive adding curb and gutter, drainage improvements, and sidewalk along both sides of the street for an approximate distance of 1,285 linear feet widening the street to a 31 foot back-to-back street. Although some preliminary design work and surveys may have been completed, this project is currently awaiting allocation for the official design and construction to proceed. The timeline for design and construction has not been determined but will typically take 3 to 5 years. Adjustments to the sidewalk width and setback may be include in the final design to avoid significant impacts in certain areas as needed and determined by our design consultant and Engineering Staff.  

If you have any questions or comments pertaining to this street and sidewalk improvement project please feel free to contact us via e-mail at or by calling (919) 996-4054.

Phase Contacts


Donetta Powell


Lead Department:


The Carolina Avenue Street Improvement Project began as a petition for street and sidewalk improvements from Western Boulevard to Powell Drive.

Petition parameters:

•    Approximately 1,285 linear feet
•    Recommended 31 foot wide street with curb and gutter
•    Recommended 5 foot wide sidewalk with a 3.5 foot setback on both sides
•    Estimated Cost $3,600,000.00

Requesting Street Improvements

City Council may initiate street and/or sidewalk improvements as an assessable project. With City initiated projects, City Council will adopt a resolution of intent for the proposed improvements and notify the abutting property owners. Advertisements, public meetings within the community and letters by mail are normal methods of notifying property owners in the area about the intended project as well as postings to the City’s website.

City Council will hold a formal public hearing to receive comments from property owners and other interested parties before deciding whether or not to continue with the project.

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