Guide to Raleigh's Top Issues: Affordable Housing, Bus Rapid Transit, Growth, and more...

This Week in Raleigh...

Weekly Update

Weekly Update: June 24 - A reminder about GoRaleigh fares


With a city as dynamic as Raleigh, quality housing options for everyone is a challenge. The City of Raleigh does its part to encourage developers to include affordable units in their projects. The City also maintains a limited fund to help people with things ranging from payment assistance to routine maintenance. This is a tricky puzzle, but the City is tackling it piece by piece so that everyone has a place to call home.

Unsheltered Homelessness Response Program Approved by City Council >>>
City of Raleigh to Host Affordable Housing Summit >>>


As one of the fastest growing cities, managing growth and change is the City's biggest challenge. The City adopted its 2030 Comprehensive Plan as a road map. Smart growth is fair and sustainable. Learn more about the City's best practices as they manage residential to industrial zoning.

What is Zoning? >>>
Latest Projects >>>
Recently Adopted Rezoning Cases >>>
Latest planning & development news >>>


After community conversations and Council approval, Raleigh’s four-part alternative response program is getting started. Two programs,crisis call diversion and a peer support team, are funded in this year’s budget. ACORNS will continue its outreach in higher-risk situations. Finally, discussions to create a community response team continue. Look for ongoing updates here, and learn our new name this fall...

Alternative Response funded in FY25 budget


The City of Raleigh provides safe, reliable, and accessible transit across Wake County for everyone. The City is actively working to improve its systems and its infrastructure to answer the question, "How do we move people from point A to point B safely and efficiently?" The City is also supporting infrastructure improvements like sidewalks that connect neighborhoods and greenways together.

Benefits of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) >>>
Ways to participate with BRT >>>
City Approves Transit-Oriented Growth Along New Bern Avenue >>>
Latest transportation news >>>


With our Community Climate Action Plan as a guide, Raleigh continues to put strategies in place with the goal of reducing emissions. In order to achieve our goal and make the impact needed on climate change, we must all work together!

Are you as sustainable as a third grader? Join Levi in the challenge to take transit, grow native plants, or make other changes to slow climate change.

Raleigh Selected for Bloomberg American Sustainable Cities >>>

Raleigh Is Taking Climate Action: Greenhouse Gas Emissions are Below 2007 Levels >>>

Ways to Participate

There are many ways to can get involved and share input. Sign up to speak at a council meeting, serve on a board, learn how government works, vote in online surveys, and much more.

City Council Highlights

Stay up-to-date on actions taken by the City Council with the latest City Council summary.

City Council Moves to Four Year Terms, Staggered Elections 

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Logo for Big Ideas Raleigh Podcast includes Raleigh logo and acorn, lightbulb, and talk icons

Get ready to dive deep into the heartbeat of Raleigh as we explore our hidden gems, rich history, and beautiful parks, as well as the programs, people, and ideas helping to navigate Raleigh's biggest challenges. Follow and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts!

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Top Issues Fact Sheets

Topics that come before City Council can get complex, with lots of moving parts. To take out the guesswork, we're providing quick summaries for your reference.  These are frequently asked questions and bullet points to help you understand the topic.

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