Raleigh Downtown Skyline - Comp Plan

Raleigh’s Next Comprehensive Plan

The Comprehensive Plan impacts everyone who lives, works, and plays in Raleigh and we are getting ready to update it! We will need you, the community, to help us establish a vision for how we want the City to grow.

We want to talk to community organizations, industry experts, and Raleigh residents to create a new plan that reflects Raleigh today and what we want Raleigh to look like in the future.

Check back here for more information about upcoming events, online surveys, and updates on the process. We can’t do it without you!

Register for the Affordable Housing Summit & Housing Community Conversation.

Your input matters to us. Let us know how you want to engage.

Subscribe for regular updates about the new Comprehensive Plan.

More About the Comprehensive Plan

The Comprehensive Plan is a long-range policy document adopted and amended by the City Council. It establishes a vision for the city, provides policy guidance for growth and development, and contains action items directed at the City to implement the vision. Our current Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 2009 and amended in 2019, with policy guidance intended to shape how the city grows and develops through the year 2030.



Sarah Shaughnessy
Principal Planner
Planning and Development


Lead Department:
Planning and Development
Service Categories: