Reflecting Raleigh - The Next Comprehensive Plan - Stylized shimmer wall skyline

Reflecting Raleigh Events

Reflecting Raleigh is the process for creating the Next Comprehensive Plan, the long-term vision for the City’s built environment. The input we received at these events will inform the vision and goals of Raleigh’s Next Comprehensive Plan

Branching Out: Trees and Urban Ecosystems

Trees are a vital part of Raleigh’s charm and identity. They provide shade, clean the air, and enhance our quality of life. As our city grows, preserving the tree canopy will help keep Raleigh healthy, vibrant, and sustainable. 

If you missed our Branching Out: Trees and Urban Ecosystems Community Conversation or have additional thoughts, join us for Ask-A-Planner! Talk one-on-one with Planning and Urban Forestry Staff on programs and efforts related to Raleigh’s trees. 

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