City Council Highlights

Highlights from the latest Raleigh City Council meeting.

June 18, 2024

Council voted 7-0 to not create the Blue Ridge Corridor Service District

Council accepted a grant offer by the Federal Aviation Authority for the final design of the RDU Airport Terminal 2 expansion project.

Council authorized speed limit reductions (35 mph to 25 mph) for Killington Drive, Manchester Drive, and multiple streets in the Cardinal Hills neighborhood.

Council authorized the appropriation of the remaining $7,026 from its contingency account to the following organizations: Kemetic Cultural Science and Systems of Unity ($3,513) and Activate Good ($3,513).  

Council awarded a bid in an amount not to exceed $1,028,832 of American Rescue Plan Act funds to install rooftop solar systems on three City facilities. This is projected to save $30,000 and offset 1.19 million pounds of CO2 annually.  

Council approved new and enhanced regulations for parades which will allow motorized vehicles to return to these events.

Public Hearings

W1. Public Nuisance Abatement. Property Liens. Properties at Bastion Lane, Dacian Road, and Triangle Town Blvd. paid and have been removed. Motion for remaining three properties passed 6-1. 

W2. Petition Annexation AX-37-23. Old Poole Road. Passed 7-0. 

W3. Petition Annexation AX-10-24. Tryon Road. Passed 7-0. 

W4. Rezoning Z-43-23. Carolina Avenue. Passed 7-0. 

W5. Rezoning Z-62-23. Harper Road. Passed 7-0. 

W6. Rezoning Z-63-23. ACC Boulevard. Passed 7-0. 

W7. Rezoning Z-65-23. Crabtree Boulevard. Passed 6-1. 

W8. Rezoning Z-01-24. Wake Forest Road Assemblage. Passed 7-0. 

W9. Rezoning Z-06-24. Blue Ridge Road. Passed 7-0. 

W10. Comprehensive Plan Amendment CP-1-24. Passed 7-0. 

