Family of four riding bicycles

Raleigh's Community Climate Action Data Dashboard

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Dashboard Background Buildings & Energy Transportation Resilience, Waste, and Implementation Strategies

This dashboard shows progress on high impact GHG emissions reduction strategies. It includes data on transportation, renewable energy, building efficiency, and more. This information can help the Raleigh community make decisions on projects, investments and everyday actions.

Dashboard Background

In May 2019, Raleigh City Council set a goal to reduce community greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 80% by 2050. The Community Climate Action Plan (CCAP), adopted in 2021, outlines the strategies to meet this goal. CCAP also ensures these strategies address equity and community resilience as well. 

Taking action to reduce GHG emissions has benefits that go beyond climate. Making progress on climate strategies also will improve community health, provide cleaner air, improve walkability and housing choice, and create a more social and connected city.

Data for this dashboard comes from city departments, state organizations, and local partners such as the North Carolina Sustainable Energy Association.  

Check our 2023 CCAP Implementation Report for more information on progress and community action.

Buildings & Energy

This includes data on solar and other renewable energy installations in Raleigh. It shows data on building efficiency, including programs such as EnergySTAR and LEED. Data on energy efficient housing types like apartments and townhomes are also included. 

CCAP Buildings & Energy Data Dashboard

House with solar panels on the roof


This section provides data on how we get around, including walking, biking, transit, and driving. It also charts our transition to electric vehicles and clean fuel technology.  

CCAP Transportation Data Dashboard 

An electric bike, electric scooters and an electric GoRaleigh transit bus in front of the Raleigh City skyline.

Resilience, Waste, and Implementation Strategies

This includes an overview of the City of Raleigh's programs to build resilience and sustainably manage waste. The cross-cutting strategies of climate equity, innovation, education and outreach, and funding for climate action are applied across climate action programs and involve several City departments and community partners.  

CCAP Resilience, Waste, and Implementation Strategies Dashboard

Staff teach about green stormwater infrastructure

City of Raleigh Stormwater staff teach Watershed Learning Network participants about green stormwater infrastructure. 

Taking action to reduce GHG emissions has benefits that go beyond climate. Making progress on climate metrics also will improve community health, provide cleaner air, improve walkability and housing choice, and create a more social and connected city. 

To learn more about taking climate action in Raleigh, check out our 2023 CCAP Implementation Report



Office of Sustainability


Lead Department:
Service Categories:
Climate Action