A smiling volunteer cleaning up a stream in Raleigh.

Stormwater Volunteering

Help Us Protect Our Waterways!

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Upcoming Events New GSI Monitoring Program! Volunteer Programs Volunteer Highlights

Raleigh Stormwater provides short and long term volunteer opportunities. Learn more about how you can help us protect water quality in the city!

Upcoming Events

Check out our workshops, stream cleanups, and more during Regional Creek Week from March 15-22, 2025!

New GSI Monitoring Program!

Wooten Meadows Green Stormwater Infrastructure

We launched a Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) Visual Monitoring pilot program to track how GSI projects grow and transform over time. Help us monitor GSI by using one of the phone stands to snap a photo, and then sharing it with us!

Volunteer Programs

Learn more about each volunteer program to choose the one that works best with your schedule and interests. Fill out the volunteer registration form to start a program!

Note: Stream cleanup registration is separate / available when we have an event scheduled. 

Program DescriptionAgeCommitmentRequirements
Storm Drain MarkingGlue “No Dumping” stickers on your neighborhood storm drains to remind others to never put harmful chemicals or other items into the drain.10 years or older with adult supervisionA few hours Must sign up two weeks in advance and submit data.
Stream CleanupsJoin us for a stream cleanup twice a year at different locations in Raleigh. Volunteers help remove thousands of pounds of trash from local streams.10 years or older with adult supervisionA few hours Register beforehand and wear safety gear (City provided).
Stream MonitoringLearn more about Raleigh's waterways and collect data on the overall health/quality of a stream 18 years or olderOne-year minimum with training workshopTake part in a workshop before volunteering; collect monthly water samples; collect aquatic insect samples in the fall or spring (optional); and submit data. 
Adopt a StreamChoose a stream to clean throughout the year. This helps us remove trash from streams and identify other sources of pollution.10 years or older with adult supervisionThree-year minimum Complete two stream cleanups and submit data

Volunteer Highlights

Raleigh Stormwater has coordinated with organizations and individuals across the city to educate, promote, and protect water quality and healthy environments. Read more about our superstar volunteers that have achieved stormwater excellence!

Two volunteers standing near the streambank of Walnut Creek picking up trash.

Two volunteers carrying a mattress from a stream during a cleanup event. 

Storm Drain Marking

Bushy Branch Stream Monitoring Volunteers

Two volunteers cleaning up a stream in Laurel Hills Park. 

WSP USA Cleanup Volunteers

 Boy Scout Troop 214 Cleanup Volunteers

Wake County Audubon Society Cleanup Volunteers

WSP USA Cleanup Volunteers

Pigeon House Branch Monitoring Volunteers

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