Two volunteers putting trash from the stream in a garbage bag

Adopt a Stream

Volunteer for three years or more

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Register Where to Adopt Requirements Working in the Stream

Choose a stream to clean throughout the year. This helps us remove trash from streams and identify other sources of pollution, like bacteria or paint/oil spills. We’ll provide safety gear and trash bags to volunteers.

Adopting a stream gets you outside and it's a way to give back! You can physically see the difference you are making to help protect our water resources. - Shelby Williford, a member of the Alpha Phi Omega co-ed fraternity at NC State University

See more testimonies from our volunteers!


Complete this registration form to adopt a stream in Raleigh.

Where to Adopt

Is there a stream that you like to visit? The map shows what streams are: 

  • Available; 
  • Recommended by staff; and,
  • Already adopted.

(The program is for streams in Raleigh city limits only.)

Click the icon in the top right corner of the map to view the legend. View a full screen map here.


There is a three-year commitment for this program. During this time you:

  1. Complete two stream cleanups a year (in the fall and spring); and,
  2. Add your data to this map after each cleanup.

Working in the Stream

You'll be removing trash from the stream. Staff will pick up the trash for you after each cleanup. If you see water pollution, please email

Provided Volunteer Materials:

  • Trash bags
  • Safety vests
  • Gloves

Please remember to get permission from nearby residents if you need to enter their property to get to the stream.

Stream Cleanup Safety Guidelines Video

Stream Cleanup Safety Guidelines



Joyce Gaffney
Environmental & Sustainability Specialist

Engineering Services
Service Categories:
Related Services:
Stormwater VolunteeringStormwater Outreach
