A repaired stream in a backyard.

Drainage Assistance Program

Addressing flooding and erosion on private property

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Drainage Assistance vs. Stream Stabilization Program Requirements 4 - Step Process Drainage Assistance Projects Contact Us

Drainage Assistance vs. Stream Stabilization

stream erosion drainage assistance

This example of erosion is covered by the Drainage Assistance Program.

Are you experiencing severe flooding or erosion at your home or building?

Apply for the Drainage Assistance Program! We fund drainage projects that reduce stormwater runoff coming from public streets.

Northbrook Drive Erosion.png

This example of erosion is covered by the Stream Stabilization Program.

Are you experiencing minor to moderate flooding or erosion at your home or building?

Apply for the Stream Stabilization Program! There are three options within the program that can fix minor to moderate erosion issues.

Program Requirements

  1. Own residential, commercial, or public property in Raleigh.
  2. Have stormwater runoff coming from public streets or public property on to your property.
  3. Willing to donate a permanent drainage easement.

Issues Not Eligible for the Program

Nuisance yard floodingStanding water
Drainage issues from landscaping and yard gradingMinor erosion
Stormwater runoff from private properties next to youRoof/gutter problems

See a clogged stormwater drain or pipe? Contact stormwater maintenance

4 - Step Process

1 . Complete an Application

Complete the Drainage Assistance Program Application online. Please allow 24-48 hours for us to respond.

Contact the Drainage Assistance Team at 919-996-3779 or StormwaterDrainage@raleighnc.gov if assistance is required. 

2. Prioritize Your ProjectIf you quality, we'll assess the severity of your project. Every project is scored and ranked with other drainage projects. Please note, we have about $1.75 million a year dedicated to this program.
3. Approve Your Project

We approve about 10 projects a year. The Stormwater Management Advisory Commission (SMAC) and Raleigh City Council review and approve these projects.

Project approval is not based on when a person submits their application. Funding for a project is based on its  prioritization score.

4. Design, Permitting, and Construction 
  • Design and permitting (about nine months to 1 year or longer if the project is complex)
  • Construction (about six months) - A project cannot move forward without a permanent drainage easement.

Drainage Assistance Projects

Visit the links below to learn more about our projects.

Pending Projects

Approved projects are based on their prioritization score (not when you submit your request form). Your project rank may change on the list over time. Please be patient as we move projects forward in effort to help the affected homeowners.

View Drainage Assistance Pending Projects List.

Contact Us

Have questions about the Drainage Assistance Program? Send an email to stormwaterdrainage@raleighnc.gov or call us at 919-996-3779.

Please allow 24-48 hours for us to respond to an inquiry. We will get more details from you and ask that you fill out an application form if you’re eligible.

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