A view of Wade Avenue right after Oberlin Road Bridge, looking downtown, images shows need for sidewalk.


Wade Avenue Sidewalk Project

We are dedicated to improving pedestrian connectivity in Raleigh.

We are installing a sidewalk along Wade Avenue: between the existing sidewalk at Hobson Court and the existing sidewalk at Oberlin Court Apartments, and on the east side of Wake Forest Road from south of East Whitaker Mill Road to north of Hodges Street.

* The planned section on Wade Avenue between Daniels Street and Woodburn Road has been removed to be included in a NCDOT safety project.

Adjustments to the sidewalk width and setback may be included in the final design to avoid significant impacts in certain areas as needed and determined by our Engineering staff.

Project Details

Project Lead:
Roadway Design & Construction
Stewart Engineering, Inc.



Project Manager
Jay Shah

Division Manager
Sylvester Percival

Comment Form

Lead Department:
Engineering Services
Participating Department:




This project will install sidewalks, update curb ramps, and provide signalized pedestrian crossings on Wade Avenue between the existing sidewalk at Hobson Court and Woodburn Road.

Lead Department:
Engineering Services

Right of Way Acquisition

This phase of the project is complete.


Lead Department:
Engineering Services


Construction Updates

March 2025

We have combined this project with a few other sidewalk projects for construction:

The City plans to advertise these projects for bid this spring. Construction is expected to start in the fall of 2025.

Lead Department:
Engineering Services


Spring 2025Advertise for Construction Bids
Summer 2025Start Construction
Winter 2026Complete Construction


This is a Capital Improvement Project (CIP). Sidewalks are selected based on a prioritization methodology that includes the City’s Pedestrian Plan, pedestrian crashes, street classification, household income, speed limit, age of population, density and proximity to parks, schools, government facilities, shopping, bus stops, libraries, hospitals, museums and sports facilities.

Design work started on this project in 2015 but was put on hold in 2016 for lack of funds. Funding for this project was made possible as a result of the 2013 and 2017 Bond.