Make a Utility Payment

How to pay your water, garbage, and recycling bills

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Make a Utility Payment AutoPay - Recurring Bank Drafts AutoPay – by Credit Card Pay Online Pay by Phone Pay by Mail Pay in Person It Matters Where You Pay It Matters How You Pay About Returned Payments

Water and Sewer Bill Assistance:

Financial assistance for water bills is available through City and County programs: Utility Customer Assistance Programs

Make a Utility Payment

The City of Raleigh offers convenient methods for making your utility payment.  You can pay using Amazon Pay, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, E-check, Venmo, PayPal, PayPal credit, bank draft, money order, check or cash: Make an online payment

Paymentus is a new way to pay for services. For more information, please visit our Paymentus FAQ.

Need Help Paying Your Utility Bill?

If you need financial aid check out our assistance program for utilities or if you need more time to pay a bill make sure to set up a payment plan. For questions contact customer service using

AutoPay - Recurring Bank Drafts

Ensure your payments are received on time every month, eliminating late fees and service disruptions due to a late payment. Payments will automatically be drafted from your bank account each month. 

Enroll in Automatic Payments via our online system

mans hands typing on a laptop


  • Free - no additional processing costs to you; no check fees, credit card interest, postage costs;
  • Payments are always on time - even if you are on vacation or out of town;
  • No service disruptions due to late payments;
  • Convenient; and easy to manage

Savings accounts  - If you plan to set up AutoPay from your savings account, check with your bank or credit union first. Some financial institutions will not honor bank drafts from savings accounts.

Financial Institutions outside the U.S. - The City of Raleigh's AutoPay option for customers to make utility bill payments via recurring bank draft is intended only for payments from accounts with financial institutions located in the United States. If you are currently enrolled in AutoPay and your payments are drafted from an account with a financial institution located outside of the United States, you must cancel your Automatic Payment enrollment via our online system.  

It is your responsibility to ensure all information provided on the bank draft authorization form is accurate (especially the routing/transit number and the bank account number), and there are sufficient funds in the bank account. Otherwise, your utility bill cannot be paid using this method.

AutoPay – by Credit Card

Ensure your payments are received on time every month, eliminating late fees and service disruptions due to a late payment.  Payments will automatically be charged to your credit card.  You will still receive your bill as usual and email reminders of the due date.

Enroll in automatic credit card payments via our online system.


  • Free – the City of Raleigh does not charge for this convenience;
  • Payments are always on time;
  • No service disruptions due to late payments;
  • Convenient and easy to manage – once you set it up, you don’t have to worry about it.

Pay Online

woman using laptop and smartphone

We accept Amazon Pay, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, E-check, Venmo, PayPal and PayPal credit through our online system. You can also schedule a payment in the future, make an E-check payment or recurring ACH payments. Your account will be updated to show your payment information and new balance. Simply register and log in OR use the one-time payment option.

Make an online payment

Pay by Phone

woman dialing smartphone stock communications

Call 888-905-3169 to make a payment using the automated phone system. Please have your payment method information, utility account number, and the service address zip code available.

The automated system is available seven days a week, 24 hours a day.

Your account will be updated to show the payment information and your new balance.

Pay by Mail

NOTICE: USPS mail delays can cause utility bills and payments to take extra time to be received. Allow for extra delivery time when mailing utility payments. 

Mail check or money order with the utility bill stub to:
City of Raleigh
PO Box 71081
Charlotte, NC 28272-1081

Please do not mail cash. If you must pay in cash, please see the "Pay in Person" section below.

In addition, mailing checks without utility bill stub(s), without the correct amounts, and/or with missing information, will cause delays with our processing center and/or require them to be returned to the City of Raleigh revenue division for manual posting. Revenue Service Division attempts to process checks within 24 business hours; however, if additional research is required, it will delay processing times.

Pay in Person

To make a payment in person using cash, check, money order, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover, visit one of the City's official utility payment locations. You can also pay at Walmart while you’re shopping. Walmart charges a minimal processing fee for this service.

It Matters Where You Pay

The City of Raleigh's Official Utility Payment Locations are conveniently located at the town halls of Garner, Knightdale, Rolesville, Wake Forest, Wendell, Zebulon, and at the Raleigh Municipal Building Complex. A payment made at any of these official locations will be applied promptly to your utility account the same day.

If you make a payment in person at any location other than one of these official payment locations, your payment may take several days (or even weeks) to reach us. This could cost you additional late fees, or your services could be disconnected for nonpayment before we receive your payment.

For this reason, we strongly recommend that you...

Only visit an official utility payment location to make your payment in person.

It Matters How You Pay

Online bill payment is a service through most financial institutions that allows customers to pay bills without having to write checks and mail them. Online bill payment is usually tied to a checking account from which funds are withdrawn from that account for payment of one-time or recurring bills. Note: The way your financial institution processes your online bill payment can vary greatly depending on the payment services they provide. Please make sure you know and understand how your financial institution processes online bill payments as it can take several days or even weeks to reach us. This could cost you additional late fees or your services could be disconnected for nonpayment before we receive your payment.

About Returned Payments

When a payment is returned, it is no longer applied to the customer's account and a returned payment fee will be charged and included with the next bill. 

If multiple check payments have been returned on a City of Raleigh utility account, the customer may be required to make future payments by a secured method such as credit card, certified check, money order, or cash.

If multiple automated bank draft payments have been returned on a City of Raleigh utility account, the customer may be removed from the AutoPay option and required to make future payments by a secured method such as credit card, certified check, money order, or cash.

If a returned payment is applied on an account, and that account is then delinquent, services may be interrupted immediately.

When good payment/credit history has been re-established with the City of Raleigh's Customer Care and Billing Division for 12 months, the account may be reviewed and the payment restrictions may be removed.



Customer Care & Billing
Web Self Service
Phone: 919-996-3245
Payments: 888-905-3169



Lead Department:
Service Categories:
Billing and Collections Utility Service Requests and Payments