Shelley Road Bridge


Shelley Road Bridge Replacement Project

Improving mobility and connectivity for pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular traffic

The City is planning on replacing the Shelley Road bridge that spans over Mine Creek. As part of the project, enhancements will be made to create connectivity for pedestrians, bicycle, and vehicular traffic while improving safety throughout the corridor.

Project Details

Transportation Improvements
Design 578,000
Project Lead:
Roadway Design & Construction
Design - Transystems



Project Manager
Riska Dees

Division Manager
Sylvester Percival, PE 

Comment Form

Lead Department:
Engineering Services
Participating Department:
Service Unit:
Roadway Design and Construction




Design Public Meeting 

On Dec. 12, 2024, we had a design meeting for residents and property owners. During the meeting, the project manager gave a short presentation about the project, and the public had the opportunity to view the design and talk with the design team. 

Not able to attend the meeting? That is okay. Here is a copy of the presentation and the design map and rendering. Also, please take a moment to complete the public survey about the project. We are accepting comments through Monday, Jan. 6, 2025.

Past Design updates

The bridge has been identified as having historic significance based on the building techniques used during the initial construction.  

The design team worked with the North Carolina State Preservation Office (NCSPO)  to get the required permits to move forward with the design of the bridge.

There have been extensive flood studies and other environmental studies conducted during the design process to ensure we are building both a structurally sound bridge and protecting the environment and the diverse ecosystem along the creek.

There is a sanitary sewer improvement and greenway project also in the design phase. 

Lead Department:
Engineering Services


Spring 2021Pre-Design Public Touchpoint
Spring 2021Topographical Surveys Begin
Spring 2021Bridge User Public Survey Results Posted
Fall 2024Design Public Touchpoint
Dec. 12, 2024Early Design Public Meeting
Fall 2025Anticipate Construction

Pre-Design Touchpoint

We had a pre-design touchpoint early spring 2021. During the touchpoint we gathered information on how residents and greenway users use the bridge and what enhancements they would like to see added to the area.

Survey Results

Shelley Road Bridge Project Introduction - Roadway Design and Construction

We are in the pre-design phase of the Shelley Road Bridge project. This video is a short introduction to the project.

Project History

A view of the underside of Shelley Road Bridge

City of Raleigh bridges are inspected every two years as part of the Municipal Routine Element Inspection program. The 2018 inspection indicated that elements of the bridge need to be monitored and or repaired. The bridge has not changed between the 2018 and 2020 inspection.

Shows age and damage on underside of Shelley Rod bridge

This image shows some of the damage caused by age on the underside of the Shelley Road bridge.

The Shelley Road bridge was built over 60 years ago. It was selected for rehabilitation due to its age, condition, and the fact that there is no detour available for the bridge or alternate access point for the residents on Forest Lawn Court. 

There is currently no weight restriction for the bridge, and it is deemed safe for vehicular use.