A section of the Blue Ridge Road plan map.


Blue Ridge Road Widening Project

Our goal is to make Blue Ridge Road safe for all modes of transportation.

About the Project 

The purpose of this project is to provide a functional and safer multi-modal corridor for vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians along the Blue Ridge Road corridor from Duraleigh Road to Crabtree Valley Avenue. We call this a Complete Street.

The project will widen a segment of Blue Ridge Road from Duraleigh Road to Crabtree Valley Avenue to three lanes with:

  • Curb and gutter;
  • Pedestrian culvert,
  • Sidewalks; and,
  • A multi-use path.

The City is receiving federal funding for a portion of this project.

What does that mean?

We are splitting the project into two sections for construction.

  • Blue Ridge Road South is from Duraleigh Road to just east of Homewood Banks Drive.
  • Blue Ridge Road North is from just east of Homewood Banks Drive to Crabtree Valley Avenue and is tentatively scheduled to begin construction in summer 2025.

Related Projects


Project Details

$26.6 million
Project Lead:
Roadway Design & Construction
Carolina Sunrock LLC (Construction Contractor) and Kimley Horn (Design Consultant)



Project Manager
Dennis Trujillo

Division Manager
Sylvester Percival, PE


Comment Form

Lead Department:
Engineering Services
Participating Department:



Right of Way Acquisition

Updated Fall 2021

We are in the right-of-way and easement acquisition phase of the of the project.

Duke Energy is scheduled to start utility relocation work along the corridor in early 2022. Part of this work includes clearing along the corridor to allow for the relocation of utility poles. Utility relocation work is expected to take eight months. 

Next Steps


We are scheduled to advertise the project for construction in Spring 2022.

Lead Department:
Engineering Services


We have entered the construction phase . To stay up to date on construction activity between Duraleigh Road and Homewood Banks Drive visit: 

Blue Ridge Road South Updates

Blue Ridge Road North Updates


Lead Department:
Engineering Services


Phase details coming soon.

Lead Department:
Engineering Services

Past Project Activity

Date Activity
July 12, 2018 Early Designs Public Meeting (25% plan)
May 20, 2019 Advanced Design Public Meeting (65% Plan)
August 2019 City Council Presentation

Public Art

The project will include a public art component. Public art along this corridor will include stand-alone or integrated art, which may include a stand-alone sculpture, artwork sited at stormwater catchment site(s), and/or artwork integrated into pedestrian paving, lighting, benches/bike racks or other site elements. The artist will work closely with the design team, project stakeholders, and neighborhood groups to ensure a successful outcome. The artists selected for this project are Angelina Marino-Heidel and Joe Heidel.

Find out more about the public art coming to this project.

Project Details

The Blue Ridge Road Widening Project was prioritized in the Capital Improvement Program, as a major street project.

The roadway connects a major hospital and shopping center. Along with those two anchors, Blue Ridge is fronted by both single-family residences and apartment complexes. Towards the North-Eastern end, the road is intersected by a heavily used greenway. 

The project will widen Blue Ridge Road from Duraleigh Road to Crabtree Boulevard to a two-lane divided multimodal roadway.

While maintaining one lane of traffic in each direction, most of the project will include a center turn lane. There is one section with a large curve that will have a raised median. A sidewalk will be located on one side of the roadway and a multi-use path on the other, creating a connection to the House Creek Greenway. Transit stops will be improved along the corridor and made shelter-ready. There will also be a  pedestrian culvert under Blue Ridge Road that connects to House Creek Greenway.

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