Changes are coming to Lake Wheeler Road.
The City is proposing improvements to Lake Wheeler Road from South Saunders Street to Maywood Avenue. (Note: To stay within budget and expedite the project, the City has altered the project limits. The project will start east of Maywood Avenue between the railroad and Goode Street and end at South Saunders Street.)
We plan to convert the current two-lane road with no pedestrian or bike facilities into a Complete Street, accommodating all modes of transportation and allowing bicyclists, pedestrians, transit users, vehicles, and emergency vehicles to navigate the street safely. We call this a Complete Street.
Improvements we are proposing include:
- Roundabouts - will help slow traffic and allow a smooth traffic flow along the roadway.
- Sidewalks, shared paths, and bike-only facilities - will allow better connectivity for all modes of transportation.
- Raised intersections along side streets - creating a safer experience for pedestrians at intersections.
- Transit improvements - to accommodate connectivity to the area.
- A raised median - will help slow traffic and reduce unsafe left-hand turn movements.
- Stormwater facilities - to help mitigate runoff.
View the design plans to see all the improvements we are proposing.
Project Details
- Type:
- Project Lead:
Engineering Services
- Contractors: