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Raleigh Water Preliminary Plan Submittals

Steps You Need to Know to Submit Preliminary Plans

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Raleigh Water Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Submittal Types Review Process Portal Registration Process

Raleigh Water Capital Improvement Projects (CIP)

Raleigh Water manages the water and wastewater systems in the City of Raleigh and nearby merger towns, including Garner, Knightdale, Rolesville, Wake Forest, Wendell, and Zebulon. The CIP Division works on improving the infrastructure for these important utility systems, which consist of many pipes, pump stations, treatment plants, and storage facilities.

Submittal Types

Preliminary Design Plans for Raleigh Water CIP Projects-30 percent, 60 percent, and 90 percent plan sets. 

North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Plan - NCDOT Projects that require relocation of water and sewer mains. 

Please note that private development plans cannot be submitted through this process. Instead, they must be sent to the Planning and Development Customer Service Center or follow the specific process set by the merger towns for plan reviews.

Review Process

The project manager for Raleigh Water CIP or their consultant will send the preliminary design plans (30 percent, 60 percent, 90 percent) to A team member will assign and review these plans, offering comments if adjustments are needed. Plans must be resubmitted until they are finalized for permitting and construction.

Final construction plans within Raleigh's jurisdiction must be submitted through the Planning and Development Customer Service Center to get the necessary permits. Within a merger town's jurisdiction, final construction plans should be sent to the respective town and follow its specific submission process for permits.

NCDOT plans for water and sewer main work will be permitted during this process.

Portal Registration Process

Design and construction plans must be submitted by the CIP project manager or the consultant working for Raleigh Water CIP. Everyone involved needs to have a portal account to track the status of permits and development. Please refer to the Permit and Development Portal webpage for setup instructions.