Aerial image of downtown Raleigh


Wake BRT: Northern Design and Construction

Connecting Raleigh with frequent and reliable transit

Northern Corridor

The Wake BRT: Northern Corridor is currently in a planning level study analyzing connections from downtown Raleigh to North Raleigh. 

In 2021, the Wake Transit Plan Update identified extensions of BRT infrastructure, including extensions to Triangle Town Center and Midtown. Further study is needed to see how the Northern Corridor BRT could connect downtown to these two destinations.  

Wake BRT System Map

Map of BRT corridors in Raleigh

Project Details

Transportation Improvements
Project Lead:
Transportation - Transit Division



Het Patel
BRT Program Manager

Lead Department:
Service Unit:
Public Transportation




The Wake BRT: Northern Corridor will connect Downtown Raleigh to Midtown Raleigh and Triangle Town Center. 


Project History

In 2016, the Wake Transit Plan identified four BRT corridors for implementation by 2027. The Northern Corridor connecting downtown Raleigh to North Raleigh was one of the corridors identified.

Northern Corridor Major Investment Study

In Spring 2022, the City of Raleigh kicked off the Northern Corridor Major Investment Study. The goal of the study is to create a plan for BRT implementation to connect downtown Raleigh to Triangle Town Center and Midtown. The study will also identify and recommend locally preferred alternatives, which means where the BRT will operate.

In Fall 2022, initial alignment alternatives were identified providing connection from Downtown Raleigh to Midtown Raleigh and from Downtown Raleigh to Triangle Town Center.

The next round of public engagement is anticipated in fall 2023, which will include initial evaluation of alternatives. 

Downtown Raleigh to Midtown Raleigh BRT Map

Downtown Raleigh to Midtown Study Area

Downtown Raleigh to Triangle Town Center BRT Map

Downtown Raleigh to Triangle Town Center Study Area

Phase Contacts


Het Patel

BRT Program Manager


Lead Department:


Phase details coming soon.

Phase Contacts


Het Patel

BRT Program Manager


Lead Department:


Phase details coming soon

Phase Contacts


Het Patel

BRT Program Manager


Lead Department:


Phase details coming soon.

Phase Contacts


Het Patel

BRT Program Manager


Lead Department:


In 2016, the Wake Transit Plan identified four BRT corridors for implementation by 2027. The Northern Corridor was one of the corridors identified and was evaluated further through the Wake Transit Plan Major Investment Study (MIS) which was completed in 2018. The MIS identified two (2) alternatives for the Northern Corridor: Capital Boulevard or West Street.

The Wake Transit Plan Update identified the need for extension of BRT infrastructure to look for connections further outside of downtown to connect Triangle Town Center and Midtown.

In Spring 2022, the City of Raleigh kicked off the Northern Corridor Major Investment Study to examine alternative alignments. 

The planning phase of the Northern Corridor began in 2022 with the Northern Corridor Major Investment Study.

Fall 2022 Engagement
In Fall 2022, a Virtual Open House and 5 in person pop up events were hosted to provide an overview of the BRT Program and provide project specific updates. In person events were held at the following times and locations:

  • November 15, 2022 New Bern Corridor Update at Tarboro Road Community Center from 6-8 p.m.
  • November 17, 2022 Ask a Planner event at Go Raleigh Station from 9-11 a.m.
  • November 29, 2022 Ask a Planner event at Go Raleigh Station from 9-11 a.m.
  • November 18, 2022 Ask a Planner event at Raleigh Union Station from 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
  • November 30, 2022 Ask a Planner event at Cary Regional Library from 12-2 p.m.

The information presented at in person events was the same provided in the Wake Bus Rapid Transit Virtual Open House. Provided was a handout, video, and display board developed for public review. Please visit the virtual open house portal to view the live Virtual Q&A session.


Date Event
2018 Wake Transit Plan Major Investment Study
2021 Wake Transit Plan Update
Spring 2022 Northern Corridor Major Investment Study
Fall 2024 Anticipated Completion of Northern Major Investment Study