Poole Road


Poole Road Widening Project

We are committed to making Raleigh Roads Safe for everyone.

The purpose of the project is to improve Poole Road, from Maybrook Drive to Barwell Road. The project includes  widening the roadway to a four-lane complete street with a median, sidewalks, and bicycle facilities.

Project Details

$14.8 Million
Project Lead:
Roadway Design & Construction
Fred Smith Company (Construction Contractor) RK&K (Design Consultant)



Project & Division Manager
Sylvester Percival, PE

Comment Form

Lead Department:
Engineering Services
Participating Department:




The Poole Road widening project design was originally presented to the public on Sept. 20, 2018. Based on public input we revised the plans. The improved design removes the five-foot bicycle lanes from the roadway and widens the multi-use path (MUP) and sidewalks on both sides of the roadway.

This new design will give cyclists and pedestrians, as well as vehicles a safer user experience and will reduce the overall impacts of the project. The new design was presented at an informal public meeting on June 12.


Phase Contacts




Lead Department:
Engineering Services


Construction Updates

March 2025

Crews are currently addressing punch list items and will start paving at the Carolina Air Market once temperatures rise. This project is nearing completion. Be aware of potential delays and lane closures during construction. Please drive carefully through the construction zone.

February 2025

Construction crews are back on site. They are working on punch list items and a few other small projects along the new roadway section. While the work is being completed, there may be some lane closures and delays.

We understand that construction is an inconvenience, and we appreciate your patience. Please stay alert in the work zone and drive carefully along this busy corridor. 

If you have any construction-related questions, please use the Comment Form.

Phase Contacts


Sylvester Percival, PE

Division Manager


Lead Department:
Engineering Services


Phase details coming soon.

Lead Department:
Engineering Services


Winter = January - March, Spring = April - June, Summer = July - September, Fall = October - December
Sept. 2018Preliminary Plans Public Meeting (25% plan)
June 12, 2019Design Plan Public Meeting (65% plan)
August 2019City Council Presentation
Winter 2021Complete Right of Way and Easement Acquisition
Winter 2021Advertise for Construction Bids
Spring 2021Award Construction Contract
Spring 2021Pre-Construction Meeting
Spring 2025Project Complete

Traffic Control During Construction

shows what traffic control will look like during all lane closures along the corridor during construction.

This image shows what traffic control will look like during all lane closures along the corridor during construction.

Lane Closures:

There will be one lane of traffic in each direction maintained throughout the project. However, there may be periodic short-term lane closures and flagging operations.

When lane closures are required, the contractor will utilize:

  • Portable traffic control signs;
  • Trained flaggers; and,
  • Traffic Cones.

No lane closures will occur between the hours of 7:00 and 9:00 a.m. or between 4:00 and 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Construction activities are generally scheduled Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. - 6 p.m., with some Saturday work as needed. The contractor may need to work some nights. Notice will be given to residents in advance, if night work is needed.

In the event of unplanned extended work hours, crews will notify properties affected by that work.  

shows what traffic control will look like at side streets along the project when the contractor is building the new roadway.

This image shows what traffic control will look like at side streets along the project when the contractor is building the new roadway.

Side Streets: 

Residents will have access to side streets at all times during construction. When crews are working on side streets, there may be a need to close a lane while performing paving operations. This will be completed with the help of trained flaggers and proper signage.

There will be times when a side street will need to cross over the old or new asphalt before turning left or right onto Poole Road. During these times, the contractor will use road-closed signs and construction barrels to help direct traffic through the work zone.


When crews do driveway work, the contractor will coordinate with residents in advance to ensure residents have access to their property and a place to park.

Work Zone Safety:

Drivers should always be alert and tentative when entering a construction zone.

Pay close attention to all signs and look out for flaggers along the corridor.

We understand that construction is an inconvenience, and we appreciate your patience. 

Public Art

The Poole Road project includes a public art component. 
The artist for this project is Sharon Dowell. Sharon is a painter with a focus on works on canvas, murals and public art. 
For more information on Sharon and the public art for this project, visit the Poole Road Public Art page.


The Poole Road Widening Project was prioritized in the Capital Improvement Program, as a major street project. 

Public Meeting maps are located below. Most items on Advanced Design Plans are incorporated into the final design plans, but there are times when there may be some changes. Please note, the Advance Design Meeting map shows a HAWK signal at the intersection of River Knoll. NCDOT would not allow the signal as part of this project and so it was removed from the final designs.