Two bikes traveling in the bike lane on Person Street near Governor's Manson, heading north


Bike Plan and Pedestrian Plan Updates

Improving active transportation and connectivity across Raleigh

The City of Raleigh is updating the 2016 BikeRaleigh Plan and the 2013 Comprehensive Pedestrian Plan. Updates to both plans will be community-driven and will consider the competing needs of stakeholders and residents throughout Raleigh.  

Project Details

Transportation Improvements
Project Lead:
Margaret Tartala and Barbara Godwin
Toole Design Group



Margaret Tartala
Mobility Strategy Supervisor

Barbara Godwin
Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Manager

Lead Department:
Participating Department:
Service Unit:
Mobility Strategy and Infrastructure




Next Steps


Engagement Strategy

The Bike and Pedestrian Plan Updates have two (2) in-person open house meetings, three (3) steering committee meetings, and online engagement with the public to convey information and receive feedback.  

  • Steering Committee Meeting #1: August 15, 2024 
  • Steering Committee Meeting #2: October 2024 
  • Public Open House #1: November 2024 
  • Steering Committee Meeting #3: February 2025 
  • Public Open House #2: March 2025 
  • Final Recommendations Report: May 2025    

How can you stay up to date on the project? 

Stay informed by regularly viewing this page for upcoming events or updated project information.  

You can also subscribe to “Transportation News and Events” to receive email updates related to the project. Visit and search: My Raleigh Subscriptions.  

Lead Department: