Public Comment Period - Sign Up to Speak

Raleigh City Council encourages citizen input

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Public Comment Schedule Deadlines and How to Participate Procedures for Speaking Signs Rules of Decorum Sign Up to Speak How to Watch

Public Comment Schedule

To provide more predictability and clarity for speakers and Council, Public Comment Sign-up follows these guidelines:

  • There is a speaker cap per session. Sign-up is closed once the cap is reached.
  • There is a speaker cap of 165 for the second Tuesday session and 50 for the third Tuesday session.  
  • Speak time is reduced as the number of speakers grows.
  • The sign-up deadline is 3 p.m. the Friday before the meeting. This deadline provides staff time to notify speakers of their time limits and for speakers to adjust their remarks.

Tiered system for time:

For the dedicated session on the second Tuesday at 7 p.m., the public comment period will be approximately two hours with a cap of 165 speakers. For each number range of speakers, the speaking time is set as follows:

  • 0 – 55 speakers: 3 minutes each
  • 56 – 82 speakers: 2 minutes each
  • 83 - 165 speakers: 1 minute each

The third Tuesday, during the Council’s 1 p.m. session, public comment will be approximately one hour. Speakers will be capped at 50 with speaking times adjusted as follows:  

  • 0 – 16 speakers: 3 minutes each 
  • 17 – 25 speakers: 2 minutes each 
  • 26 - 50 speakers: 1 minute each  

    For most up to date meeting updates, including time or location changes or cancellations, please visit the City Council event series.

Deadlines and How to Participate

  1. Leave a public comment remotely via voicemail (855-925-2801). To leave a public comment for the City Council, call 855-925-2801 and enter code 3362.  Voicemails are accepted between 5 p.m. Thursday and 5 p.m. Monday before a Tuesday Council meeting, and reviewed by City Council prior to the meeting. 1 per person per meeting. The limit for these public comments is 3 minutes. All public comments remotely submitted will be transcribed and become part of public record. Comments will be posted to BoardDocs 30 minutes prior to the City Council Meeting. 
  2. Speak in person. If you wish to speak in person during Public Comments, you must sign up in advance using the online forms links below.  You may also call the Clerk’s office at 919-996-3040 to sign up. You are required to sign up by 3 p.m. on the Friday prior to the meeting. Electronic materials may be submitted (PDF or JPG file formats only). Electronic materials will be submitted to the City Council but will not be displayed during the meeting.

Procedures for Speaking

Procedures for Speaking During “Public Comment” at City Council Meetings

North Carolina law requires that all municipal governing boards provide at least one public comment period a month during a regular meeting. See N.C. Gen. Stat. § 160A-81.1. The Raleigh City Council has chosen to provide this opportunity at each bi-monthly Council meeting during the “Public Comment” portion of the Agenda. This portion of the agenda is not intended for public hearings. Sign up for public hearings on this page

Persons wishing to provide public comment shall follow the following procedure:

  1. Speakers can sign up by completing the form below. Alternatively, the speaker can contact the City Clerk’s Office at 919-996-3040 to add their name to the list of speakers, or to request further assistance. 
  2. In order to be added to the list of speakers, an individual must provide their name, physical address, telephone number, and email address. The speaker will also be asked to acknowledge the Rules of Decorum. The speaker may, but is not required, to provide additional information about the topic to be discussed. This is to allow City Staff to research the issue and potentially provide a resolution and/or more information by the time of the meeting.
  3. If a speaker wishes to submit electronic materials, the sign-up procedures remain the same; however, the electronic materials must be submitted by 5 p.m. on the Friday before the Council meeting. This requirement is associated with technology security needs and to prevent compromise of the City computer network.
  4. The Clerk will deliver the list of those persons signed up to speak to the Mayor or presiding officer before the beginning of the meeting. The speakers will be called upon in the order the requests were received by the Clerk. 


Visitors may carry into any City building hand-held placards, signs, flags or similar items (collectively called “signs”) not exceeding eighteen by eighteen inches (18” x 18”) in size.

All signs shall be made of cloth, paper, cardboard, or plastic, shall not exceed one-eighth (1/8) of an inch in thickness, shall not have sharp edges or corners and shall not include a handstick. Visitors with signs shall not interfere with others’ ability to see and hear and the visitor’s use of the sign (without regard to the sign’s content) must not otherwise disrupt business proceedings.

Sign rules are defined in our Building Rules Resolution 2022-387.

Rules of Decorum

Rules of Decorum for Public Comment

Public input and participation are of the utmost importance to the Raleigh City Council.  While North Carolina General Statute § 160A-81.1 requires that municipal governing boards provide for public comment only once a month, the City of Raleigh has chosen to provide this opportunity at each bi-monthly regular Council meeting.  The Council encourages individuals to use this process to bring issues to its attention and to share information. This will allow the Council to be better informed and, therefore, to more effectively govern the City and serve its constituents.  

North Carolina General Statute § 160A-81.11 also allows the City Council to adopt reasonable rules which govern the conduct of the public comment period, including rules to maintain order and decorum.  The Rules of Decorum, set forth below, are not intended to limit the content of the speaker’s message, but are instead to ensure that this part of the Agenda is conducted in a civil and orderly manner.  

  1. Each speaker is allocated 3 minutes to speak. The Mayor or presiding officer may, in their discretion, increase or decrease this time allocation. 
  2. A speaker may not share or relinquish any remaining time they have not used to another speaker.
  3. Speakers are only allowed to speak one time during the Public Comment period.  
  4. A person may speak only if they have signed up to speak in accordance with the City’s procedures. Speaker substitutions at the meeting are not allowed.
  5. Speakers shall refrain from personal attacks and/or threats directed towards City staff or members of the public. 
  6. Speakers shall be civil and courteous in their language and presentation.   Insults, profanity, use of vulgar language or gestures or other inappropriate behavior are not allowed.
  7. Comments, questions, or jeering from the audience are not allowed. Speakers shall likewise not address or respond to members of the audience.
  8. Speakers should not expect Council members to comment on or respond to their comments directly during the meeting. The Mayor, or presiding officer may, however, request the City Manager’s office to follow up with a speaker after the meeting or provide additional information to the Council at a later date. 
  9. The Mayor, or presiding officer, has the authority to enforce the Rules of Decorum.  Failure to obey these Rules may result in the forfeiture of the remaining speaking time. Individuals who engage in egregious or repeated violations may be asked to leave the meeting. Speakers and members of the audience should also note the following Raleigh City Code provision and North Carolina General Statute:

Raleigh City Code Sec. 1-1034. – Enforcement of Decorum Requirements.
Any person who violates the order and decorum of a Council meeting shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

N.C. Gen. Stat.§ 143-318.17. - Disruptions of official meetings.  
A person who willfully interrupts, disturbs, or disrupts an official meeting and who, upon being directed to leave the meeting by the presiding officer, willfully refuses to leave the meeting is guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor.

N.C. Gen. Stat. § 160A-81.1 Public comment period during regular meetings.

The council shall provide at least one period for public comment per month at a regular meeting of the council. The council may adopt reasonable rules governing the conduct of the public comment period, including, but not limited to, rules (i) fixing the maximum time allotted to each speaker, (ii) providing for the designation of spokesmen for groups of persons supporting or opposing the same positions, (iii) providing for the selection of delegates from groups of persons supporting or opposing the same positions when the number of persons wishing to attend the hearing exceeds the capacity of the hall, and (iv) providing for the maintenance of order and decorum in the conduct of the hearing. The council is not required to provide a public comment period under this section if no regular meeting is held during the month.

Sign Up to Speak

Interpretation Services

The City offers interpreter services in other languages, including American Sign Language, at no cost to the speaker. This is included in the sign up forms linked below.  Please give at least 5 business days notice for the City to secure an interpreter; if less than that, services cannot be guaranteed.

How to Watch

The Public Comment Period happens during the City Council meeting. The council meeting will be broadcast for viewing by the public via the following channels: the City's website, the City's YouTube Live Stream, or Channel RTN-11. 

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