A concept drawing of what a section of Six Forks Rd will look like when the project is complete


Six Forks Road Improvements

Improving mobility and connectivity for pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular traffic

On Tuesday, Feb. 20, the Raleigh City Council voted to proceed with a revised scope for the Six Forks Road Improvement Project. 

The Project scope includes widening the roadway to six lanes and adding an 8-foot multi-use path along both sides of the road from Rowan Street to Millbrook Road. Other improvements include a protected intersection at Millbrook Road and other pedestrian safety enhancements at intersections along the project limits.  

This project will create a safe and comfortable corridor for pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular traffic between Rowan Street and Millbrook Road. We call this a Complete Street. 

What are Complete Streets?

Complete Streets accommodate all types of transportation, allowing bicyclists, pedestrians, transit users, vehicles, commercial and emergency vehicles to safely navigating City streets.

Project Details

$ 56.1 Million
Project Lead:
Roadway Design & Construction
RK&K (Design Consultant)



Project Manager
Riska Dees

Division Manager
Sylvester Percival, PE

Comment Form

Lead Department:
Engineering Services
Participating Department:
Engineering ServicesTransportation
Service Unit:
Roadway Design and Construction



This project supports

Raleigh's Climate Plan in Action


The design team is working on the final design plans for the project and the City's real estate team is starting to reach out to property owners along the corridor. 

Visit our Six Forks Road - Public Engagement page to learn about activities we have conducted and attended during the design phase.

Design Features

Our team is utilizing design features for the Six Forks Road corridor that accommodate all types of transportation, allowing bicyclists, pedestrians, transit users, vehicles, commercial and emergency vehicles to safely utilize the roadway. 

Safety Features

  • Protected intersections - They create corner “islands” setbacks for vehicles, bikes and pedestrians, separating all three modes of traffic up to the intersection. This creates, shorter, simpler crossings, and better visibility resulting in a safer intersection for all users. 
  • Multi-use Paths - The Multi-use paths along the corridor are designed behind the curb with a grass buffer between the path and the vehicular traffic. 
  • Raised Medians - Raised medians separate opposing lanes of traffic and restrict left-hand turns. Left-hand turns are one of the most common causes for collisions. Medians also help with pedestrian crossings, and slow motor vehicle speeds. 
  • Lane widths - Currently lane widths are variable along this section of Six Forks Road. Our design creates a consistent lane width through the corridor. The lane widths are also designed to keep vehicular speeds lower.
  • Speed limit - We are reducing the speed limit.
Lead Department:
Engineering Services

Right of Way Acquisition

The real estate team is reaching out to property owners along the corridor.

Sarah Beth and Dustin Kornegay are the City’s Real Estate Analysts assigned to acquire property rights needed for the Six Forks Road Project. They are currently reaching out to each affected property owners along the corridor to begin the easement acquisition process. This process will include staking of the easements on the property, site visits with the project team and affected property owner if needed as well as an offer of compensation for the easements needed from the property.

Sarah Beth Gentry - Sr. Real Estate Analyst

 Dustin Kornegay - Real Estate Analyst

Lead Department:
Engineering Services

Project Schedule

Date Activity
Fall 2020 Pre-Design Public Touchpoint
Fall 2021 Design Public Touchpoint
Fall 2025 Right of Way and Easement Acquisition Complete
Fall 2025 Advertise for Construction Bids
Early 2026 Start Construction
Early 2028 Project Complete

Visit Our Public Engagement Page!

 To view:

  • Public meeting materials;
  • Recording of virtual public meetings;
  • Surveys and comments received; and,
  • FAQs from questions and comments received during public comment periods. 


Meet the Team

RK&K - Design Consultant 
The design consultant works with the project manager to develop the project's design. 

Sarah Beth Gentry - Sr. Real Estate Analyst 
Sarah Beth is the City’s Real Estate Analysts assigned to acquire property rights needed for the Six Forks Road Project. Once final easement exhibit maps detailing the easement needs on the properties have been developed, she will reach out to each affected property owner along the corridor to begin the easement acquisition process. This process will include staking of the easements on the property, site visits with the project team and affected property owner if needed as well as an offer of compensation for the easements needed from the property.

Public Art

This project will include public art. Carrie Gault, the public artist selected for this project, will work the community to create art that represents the area and the people that live, work, and play along Six Forks Road. 

Carrie is gathering inspiration and learning about the Six Forks Road community. Visit the PublicInput project page to view community comments, find out about upcoming stakeholder meetings, and share input and stories about the neighborhood.

To learn more about the artist and her work visit the Six Forks Road Public Art Project page.

City Council Activity

Project Scope Reduction 

The design of this project started in the spring of 2020, with a budget of $31.3M. However, with the significant increase in real estate and construction costs since 2020, the new budget for the proposed project was $119.0M. The City's current funding resources could not address this large funding gap.

In October 2023, City staff went to City council with some options to consider. Following that presentation, staff asked for the public's feedback. The public engagement and feedback we received during this period can be found on our Six Forks Road Public Engagement page.

On February 20, 2024, the City Council voted to reduce the scope of the project to a six-lane divided roadway with an 8-foot multi-use path on both sides from Rowan Street to Millbrook Road. 

Condemnation Authorization

On July 5th, 2022, City Council approved condemnation authorization for the affected properties along this project.

What does that mean?

It is our first step in the real estate process. Next, our real estate department will contact property owners regarding the real estate negotiation process. Finally, staff will work with property owners based on the construction plans and discuss compensation for any right-of-way and easements needed.

What it does NOT mean!

We will not be "taking" your land. Instead, our real estate team will work with you to determine a fair market value of your property.

Understanding Condemnation

Suppose the City and the property owner cannot agree on a price for your property by a specified date. In that case, we do have the right to use the land needed for construction, and negotiations will resume after construction. For the Six Forks Road Improvement Project, the date we have set to file for condemnation is no earlier than July 31, 2023.