Reuse Water System

Information About Reuse Water and how it is used

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Benefits City Facilities Commercial Uses

Reuse water, sometimes called reclaimed water or non-potable water, is highly treated wastewater which is re-used instead of discharged into a waterway. Raleigh Water and the North Carolina Division of Water Resources closely monitor and regulate how reuse water is treated and used.


Although reuse water is not suitable for human, pet or livestock consumption, there are many reasons to use reuse water in our service area.

  • Severe droughts can limit potable water resources and using reuse water reduces the amount of water needed from these supplies.
  • Using reuse water reduces the nitrogen discharge in streams and rivers from wastewater treatment plants.
  • The use of reuse water for irrigation provides a nutrient benefit to lawns and crops and prevents these nutrients from entering waterways, which can contribute to algal blooms.
  • A reduction in peak consumption associated with irrigation. The use of reuse water for irrigation is not subject to water restrictions.


City Facilities

Additionally, Raleigh Water has two bulk reuse water stations where citizens and customers can pick up reuse water for personal or commercial use.  The bulk stations are located at Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility (southeast Raleigh) and Little Creek WWTP (Zebulon).  Some of the uses for bulk reuse water include irrigation, hydro-seeding, pesticide and herbicide application, concrete production, power/pressure washing, and dust control.

Bulk reuse water from Raleigh Water is free of charge.  However, each customer must complete certification training by Raleigh Water prior to picking up the reuse water or using it.

To schedule a certification training class or for questions about Raleigh Water's reuse water program, please contact Nathan Howell at 919-996-3673.


Status of Bulk Reuse Facilities:

  • Little Creek WWTP - Open
  • Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility- Open

Commercial Uses

Raleigh Water currently manages two reuse water distribution systems.  One is located in in the Zebulon service area and currently serves six customers totaling approximately 39 million gallons annually.  This distribution system begins at the Little Creek Resource Recovery Plant and terminates at GlaxoSmithKline in Zebulon.  The southeast Raleigh reuse water distribution system is currently operational from the Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility to the NCSU Centennial Campus and NCSU main campus. Reuse water is also used at Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility to irrigate crops grown at the facility.  The use of reclaimed water for irrigation defers nitrogen from being deposited into the Neuse River, and the nutrients contained in the reclaimed water increase crop yields.  Plans to expand the on-site irrigation system have begun; expansion of this system will allow additional nitrogen deferment and higher crop yields across the site. 

Both distribution systems combine for a total of 36 miles of reuse distribution line and provide reuse water for irrigation, cooling towers, industrial processes, concrete production, and toilet flushing to commercial customers.