A rendering of what Oberlin Road will look like after construction


Oberlin Road Streetscape Project

Improving mobility and connectivity for pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular traffic

Night Work Planned for June 6, 2024 

We are making improvements to Oberlin Road from Groveland Avenue to just north of Roberts Street, with wider sidewalks, revised traffic lanes, bus stops, and landscaping. Some public water and sanitary sewer mains will also be replaced or added.

The Oberlin Road Project is part of the Cameron Village & Hillsborough Street Small Area Plan that was approved by City Council in Feb. 2018. The plan highlights the need to better integrate pedestrian, bike, auto, and transit use into a well-landscaped and attractive streetscape that serves people of all abilities. We call this a Complete Street.

The proposed project includes:

  • Installation of improved sidewalks;
  • Improved pedestrian crossings;
  • Extend sidewalks up Stafford Avenue, Everett Avenue and Bedford Avenue;
  • Bike lanes;
  • Street trees;
  • Street lighting;
  • Street benches and bike racks; and,
  • Replace sections of old water and sanitary sewer mains.

Project Details

$6.06 Million
Project Lead:
Roadway Design & Construction
Design - Clarknexsen | Construction - Moffat Pipe Inc.



Project Manager
Jay Shah

Comment Form

Lead Department:
Engineering Services
Participating Department:
TransportationParks, Recreation and Cultural Resources
Service Unit:
Roadway Design and Construction



This project supports

Raleigh's Climate Plan in Action


Updated March 4

The right of way and easement acquisition phase in underway.

March Activity:

  • Began real estate negotiations; and,
  • Continued coordinating with private utilities. 

Next Steps

  • Complete easement staking along the corridor;
  • Continue real estate negotiations;
  • Complete final design plans;
  • Continue coordinating with private utility companies; and,
  • Advertise for construction bids this summer 2021.
Lead Department:
Engineering Services

Right of Way Acquisition

We are at the end of the Right of Way and Easement Acquisition phase of the Project. 

Have Questions?

For questions about real estate, contact Real Estate Analyst, Allison Pant.


Phase Contacts


Allison Pant - Real Estate Analyst

Lead Department:
Engineering Services


Project Update, July 2024

The underground utility work is completed. Crews are now turning their attention to the installation of the new sidewalk. 

We understand that construction is disruptive, and we greatly appreciate your patience and cooperation as the contractor completes this necessary work.  

City Council awarded the construction contract to Moffat Pipe, Inc., on June 6, 2023. 

Phase Contacts


Project Manager
Jay Shah

Lead Department:
Engineering Services


Phase details coming soon.

Lead Department:
Engineering Services


Date Activity
August 9, 2018 Preliminary Plans Public Meeting (25% plan)
Feb. 19, 2019 Design Plan Public Meeting (65% plan)
April 2019 City Council Presentation
Fall 2021 Complete Right of Way and Easement Acquisition
May 2022 Advertise for Construction Bids
Feb. 2023 Re-advertise for Construction Bids
September 12, 2023 - Jaycee Community Center - 2405 Wad Avenue - From 6:30-7:30 p.m. Preconstruction meeting
Spring 2024 Construction
Fall 2024 Project complete

Public Art

The Oberlin Road Streetscape Project has a public art component as part of the Percent for Art program. 

Artist Chandra Cox is working with the living ancestors of Oberlin Village to tell the story of this historic community. Chandra is working with the design team to integrate storytelling elements and artistically interpreted historical markers into the project. For more information on the artist and the installation visit the Oberlin Road Public Art Project page.


The Wade/Oberlin Small Area Plan of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan recognized Oberlin Road as the “main street” of the area emphasizing the need to more fully integrate pedestrian, bike, auto, and transit uses into a well-landscaped and attractive streetscape that serves people of all abilities.

The Oberlin Road Streetscape Plan was adopted by City Council on January 6, 2015. The plan focuses on improving the sidewalk environment.

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