Trawick Road


Marsh Creek Road & Trawick Road Improvement Project

Improving mobility and connectivity for pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular traffic

The City is planning to improve Marsh Creek Road and Trawick Road from Capital Boulevard to New Hope Road.

We want the corridor to be safe, convenient, and comfortable for all modes of transportation. We call this a Complete Street.

Proposed Improvements include:

  • Sidewalks;
  • Curb & gutter; (facilitates drainage from the roadway, protects private property)
  • Enhanced bus stops;
  • Bicycle infrastructure;
  • Street trees; and,
  • Traffic calming.

During the design and public input process a roundabout might be considered for the intersection of Marsh Creek Road and Trawick Road.

Project Details

$15.1 Million
Project Lead:
Roadway Design & Construction



Project Manager
Aya Aldais 

Project Manager
Dean Fox, PE

Comment Form

Lead Department:
Engineering Services
Participating Department:




On June 18, we presented the results of the listening session and online comments to City Council. During the presentation, we presented a few options that we could make to the project scope. City Council voted during the July 2, City Council meeting to award the design contract to HDR with an amended scope. The new scope includes a two-lane median divided roadway on Marsh Creek Road and turn lanes at intersections along the Trawick Road section. The project will also include a multi-use path on one side of the roadway and a sidewalk on the other.

Next Steps


The next step in the design process includes a pre-design meeting, scheduled for winter 2020. At this meeting, we will show some of the design concepts we are exploring and get public input on those models.

Phase Contacts


Beth Quinn, PE

Project Manager


Lead Department:
Engineering Services


The design team is continuing to develop advanced design plans.

The team is completing the project design for this project. However, construction is on hold until a funding source is established.

Next Steps


Hold an advanced design public meeting. 

Lead Department:
Engineering Services


Phase details coming soon.

Lead Department:
Engineering Services


Phase details coming soon.

Lead Department:
Engineering Services


Feb. 2020Pre-Design Meeting
Fall 2020Early Design Meeting
Spring 2025Advanced Design Public Meeting
PendingStart Right of Way and Easement Acquisition
PendingStart Construction
PendingProject Complete

Early Design Meeting

The City held an early design touchpoint in October 2020. We sent postcards to area residents and surrounding neighborhoods along the corridor, informing them of our virtual presentation. We also opened an online survey to capture any public feedback regarding the project's early designs. The survey was open for three weeks.

Public comments and survey results

Past Project News

Pre-Design Meeting

We had a Pre-Design Public Meeting on Feb. 13, 2020. During the meeting, we asked for the public's feedback. For the people unable to attend the meeting, all materials and an online survey were left open for 30 days. Responses to public comments 
Pre-Design Public Meeting Survey Results

Utility markings on Marsh Creek Road

Survey Work

Surveyors conducted subsurface utility exploration (SUE) along the project corridor and adjacent properties. The SUE designates the position of the existing utilities and is marked with paint. Surveyors then used the paint markings to be referenced to the project control. This work was necessary as part of the preliminary design for the project.


The City wants to complete projects that will help neighborhoods. The Marsh Creek Road and Trawick Road corridor provide access to Wilburn Elementary School, Marsh Creek Park, and frequent transit on Capital Boulevard. However, these two streets have little to no pedestrian or cycling infrastructure to facilitate a multi-modal transportation system.

The two streets function as one street connecting Capital Boulevard and New Hope Road. For this reason, the City decided to combine the two streets into one project.

The section of Trawick Road from Marsh Creek to Woodard Drive is slated to take place at a later time.


Public Art

This project is part of the Percent for Art program.  Legge Lewis Legge LLC, (LLL) will be the artist for this project. LLL is an award-winning art and architecture studio founded in 2001 by architect Murray Legge FAIA and filmmaker Deborah E. Lewis of Austin TX, and artist Andrea Legge in New York City.

Learn more about the artist.