Pimlico Wayfinding public art project by Graham Projects

Example Image: Pimlico Wayfinding by Graham Projects

Artist Call for Wayfinding Artist-in-Residence

Request for Qualifications

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Project Summary Project Overview Project Timeline About the Residency Budget Selection Criteria and Process How to Apply Non Discrimination Policy

Project Summary

  • A one-year artist collaboration with the City of Raleigh Department of Transportation Sign Shop. View City of Raleigh Sign Shop Artist in Residence RFQ (pdf).
  • Create artful wayfinding that helps visitors navigate from site to site around downtown.
  • Organize a minimum of 2 community events/classes.
  • Access to the City of Raleigh Sign shop facilities (under the supervision of the transportation department), and materials will be provided at cost. 
  • $75,000 budget for artwork fabrication, supplies for community events, and artist stipend.
  • Up to three semi-finalists will be selected to interview and paid a $100 honorarium.
  • Deadline to apply: October 30, 2024
  • Submit application online

Project Overview

Map with bright colors highlighting different areas of downtown raleigh.

Project Timeline

RFQ Application DeadlineOctober 30, 2024
Semi-Finalist Selected & Notified:November 2024
Semi-Finalists InterviewsNovember 2024
Project AwardedDecember 2024
   ContractingJanuary-February 2025
   Artist ResidencyMarch 2025 to March 2026

About the Residency

The sign-shop artist in residence will collaborate with the Raleigh Department of Traffic Services division of Signs and Markings. This division is responsible for creating and maintaining street signs throughout the City of Raleigh. They have a full on-site shop to create and repair traffic signs that includes vinyl cutters and sign materials. They are located at 2530 Westinghouse Blvd, Raleigh, NC 27604.

The Artwork created as part of this residency should provide placemaking and creative wayfinding for pedestrians in Raleigh and inspire appreciation of transportation infrastructure. Artists are encouraged to reference the Downtown Raleigh Economic Development Strategy plan. The artwork can help visitors navigate from site to site around downtown, add family friendly itinerary and routes, and improve the legibility and coherence of downtown districts.

Responsibilities of the artist in residence include: 

  1. See above
  2. Create artistic wayfinding that define routes and districts around downtown. 
  3. Plan and hold a minimum of 2 events / classes. These can include workshops, community artwork construction, teaching about NCDOT operations and infrastructure and/or additional opportunities. 
  4. Spend approximately 10 hours per week on Residency duties.
  5. The Artist will be expected to prepare a plan with a budget within the first two months for creating artworks, workshops, engagement opportunities, and an artist stipend. The Artist's proposal for residency funding and milestones will be approved by the Public Art and Design Board. 

The City will provide:

  1. A dedicated staff member from Raleigh Arts to meet with the artist once per week. 
  2. Transportation and Sign shop staff to meet with the artist on an as needed basis.
  3. $1,500 per month stipend with additional funds provided as residency milestones are met.
  4. A 1 day orientation and training at the sign shop to familiarize the artist with materials, processes, and safety.
  5. The Artist is invited to gather artmaking materials from the recycled discarded signs at the sign shop. They can also use materials and labor of the sign shop at cost. 
  6. The Sign shop will provide fabrication labor (within our capabilities) at no charge to the artist.
  7. This residency does NOT include housing. 

Recycled Signs: The transportation team replaces and maintains damaged signs and signals. As a result they have a stockpile of old and outdated signs. The selected artist may use the defunct road signs in the recycling pile to create artwork as approved by transportation.

The artist will also need to take roadway safety regulations into account when designing any artwork. Transportation staff will make sure that signs do not conflict with MUTCD and regulatory compliance.

Public art made of road sign materials in bright yellow to create dandelions.

Example Image "Dandelions" by artist Carin Mincemoyer


$75,000 one-year residency budget includes:

  • $50,000 for Artwork Fabrication: Fabrication and installation of semi-permanent creative way-finding artworks. The Sign Shop can provide sign making materials at cost (the cost of these materials will come out of the $50,000 fabrication budget) and provide fabrication labor (as specified by the transportation department) at no charge to the artist. 
    • The City will provide discarded and used transportation signs for possible inclusion in the artwork. 
    • The artist is responsible for additional materials, fabrication, and installation costs as required by the artist’s final design.
    • Supplies and costs for community events/classes
    • Permitting, travel, taxes and fees
  • $25,000 Artist Stipend:
    • $1,500 per month stipend with additional funds provided as residency milestones are met
    • Approximately 10 hours of work per week
    • Artwork Concept and final designs
    • Meetings with City staff as specified above (with transportation staff)
    • Community engagement events planning and implementation
    • Travel, taxes and fees

Selection Criteria and Process

Applications submitted in response to this RFQ will be reviewed by the City of Raleigh Public Art Director, who will then forward all complete and eligible applications received by the deadline to the Artist Selection Panel. The Panel may include a member of the City of Raleigh Arts Commission, community artists, arts professionals, design professionals, and other stakeholders. 

 The Artist Selection Panel will evaluate the qualifications of artists based on three criteria: merit; appropriateness for the project; and social/cultural relevance.

How to Apply

Deadline: All RFQ materials must be received no later than October 30, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. Incomplete or late submittals will not be considered. 

Apply online

Those wishing to be considered must submit the following materials:

  1. Statement of Interest: A statement, outlining your interest in this residency and your experience working on public art projects, or relevant art experience. Include how your work and experience will complement this residency.  You can submit this as:
    • A written statement of 500 words or less
    • Or a two minute or less audio or video clip. We can only play the first two minutes of audio for the panel due to time constraints. 
  2. Biography: A biography of no more than one page that includes information regarding your practice, experience, and education. If applying as a team, submit a single file containing separate biographies for each team member. 
  3. Three Professional References: Contact information for three references should be submitted, including name, title and affiliation, phone number and email address. References should be able to speak to your ability to provide services for a public art project or artwork of a similar scope.
  4. Previous Work, Digital Images: Eight digital images of recent previous work (created within the past ten years) Each image should include: image number, artist’s name, title, year, media, location, project budget, dimensions, commissioning agency, and collaborators or design professionals (if applicable).

Non Discrimination Policy

The policy of the City of Raleigh is, and shall be, to oppose any discrimination based on actual or perceived age, mental or physical disability, sex, religion, race, color, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, familial or marital status, economic status, veteran status or national origin in any aspect of modern life. The City of Raleigh Arts Commission strives for a diverse representation of voices, life experiences, views, and interests to reflect the collaborative community we have and wish to serve.

About the City of Raleigh Department of Transportation

The City of Raleigh's Transportation Department consolidates transportation and related infrastructure. From planning transportation projects, system operation, and infrastructure maintenance, the department works to optimize service delivery and position the City for ongoing growth. Services provided by the department include mobility strategy and infrastructure, traffic engineering, transportation maintenance, parking operations, GoRaleigh transit services, highway maintenance, and development services.

Additional Information

View City of Raleigh Sign Shop Artist in Residence RFQ (pdf).

For questions, contact Jenn Hales, Public Art Coordinator for Raleigh Arts, Jenn.Hales@raleighnc.gov

 For relevant information regarding the project, visit the Raleigh Arts website.

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