Safety Tips for Sharing the Road

Important safety tips for motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists.

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For Motorists For Pedestrians For Bicyclists

Motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians all play a role in keeping one another safe on the road. Take just a few minutes to review these safety tips!

For Motorists

  • Safety is a shared responsibility—motorists need to be watchful for pedestrians and bicyclists, drive at slower speeds, avoid distraction, and know the laws regarding when pedestrians have the right-of-way.
  • Please do NOT park in bike lanes. This can create extremely harmful circumstances for both bicyclists and drivers.
  • Be prepared to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks.
  • Never pass a vehicle that is stopped for pedestrians.
  • Before making a turn, be sure the path is clear of any pedestrians or bicyclists.
  • Slow down in areas where you are likely to find pedestrians, such as near bus stops, schools, and playgrounds.
  • Look carefully behind your vehicle for approaching pedestrians before backing-up.
  • Keep an eye out for pedestrians at night that may be walking near or across the road.
  • Avoid distractions such as food, passengers, and using mobile devices. Talking and texting while driving is both dangerous and illegal in many places.
  • Be prepared for bicyclists to use the entire lane. Bicyclists are entitled to the entire lane if needed.
  • Give bicyclists a wide berth when passing and only pass when it is safe to do so.

For Pedestrians

  • Look for cars and bicyclists in all directions—including those turning left or right—before crossing the street; never assume a driver will stop.
  • Be careful crossing multiple lanes of traffic. Make sure each lane of traffic is clear before you cross.
  • Enhance your visibility at night. Walk in well-lit areas, carry a flashlight, or wear something reflective, such as stickers or armbands, to be more visible.
  • Avoid distraction. More and more we see people texting or talking on cell phones when crossing streets; this diminishes the ability of your two key senses—hearing and seeing—that are used to detect and avoid cars. So particularly when crossing streets, put down the phone for a few seconds.
  • Be predictable to drivers and follow the rules of the road—obey signs and signals.
  • Obey all pedestrian traffic signals.
  • Watch for cars backing up in parking lots; brake lights can mean that a car is about to back up.
  • Cross the street where you have the best view of traffic. At bus stops, cross behind the bus or at the nearest crosswalk.
  • Always walk on the sidewalk; if there is no sidewalk, walk facing traffic and as far from the roadway as you can.

For more pedestrian safety tips, visit the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center.

For Bicyclists

  • Wear a helmet. It could save your life. However, helmets are fallible. Do not be fooled into a false sense of security. Riding as safely as possible is still very important.
  • Use a light and reflectors when bicycling at night and be as visible as possible.
  • Ride in the direction of traffic. Drivers may not be looking for you if you are riding the wrong way.
  • Obey all signs and signals. This includes stopping at stop signs and red lights.
  • Use all of your senses – watch and listen for cars, particularly at intersections and driveways.
  • Avoid distractions such as listening to headphones or answering phones when riding.

For more bicyclist safety tips, visit the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center.

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