Raleigh Watershed

Reducing Pollutants in Our Watersheds

Improving Water Quality in Raleigh

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What is a Total Maximum Daily Load? Does the City of Raleigh have TMDLs? Spot, Report, and Stop Water Pollution Stormwater Management Plan Local Community Partnerships

What is a Total Maximum Daily Load?

A Total Maximum Daily Load or TMDL, is the amount of a specific pollutant that can be in a stream while still meeting the state water quality standards and classifications (such as water supply, recreation use, habitat, and others).

The State of North Carolina manages and regulates TMDLs and their compliance by the municipalities, agencies, and facilities that discharge stormwater to these water bodies. Learn more about North Carolina TMDLs.

Does the City of Raleigh have TMDLs?

Pigeon House Branch Watershed

The Pigeon House Branch Watershed has a TMDL for fecal coliform bacteria and copper.

Perry Creek Watershed

Perry Creek Watershed has a TMDL for biological integrity impairment (due to habitat loss, sedimentation, and other urban pollutants and environmental stressors).

Bacteria Pollution

Sediment Pollution

Sediment Pollution

Learn more about each TMDL pollutant.

The City does not have specific waste load allocations assigned by the State of NC but is a major NPDES permit holder that discharges to these watersheds and works to tailor and implement strategies and practices that mitigate these pollutants from discharging, or “loading,” into the waterbodies.

Find the stream Identification and classifications by the State of NC.

Spot, Report, and Stop Water Pollution

If you see pollution or someone illegally dumping or discharging into the stormwater system anywhere in the City, call the Stormwater Helpline at 919-996-3940 or email IllegalDischarge@raleighnc.gov.

Learn more about what to report and how to report it.

Stormwater Management Plan

Raleigh Stormwater developed TMDL Implementation Plans to improve water quality as part of Raleigh’s Stormwater Management Plan. The watershed-specific TMDL Implementation Plans identify, implement, and record strategies and actions by the City and other partners that reduce the specific pollutants for each TMDL.

Local Community Partnerships

Improving water quality cannot be achieved by City staff alone. We partner with local, state, and federal agencies, community groups, and nonprofit organizations to reduce stormwater runoff pollution.

Learn more about our community partnerships.



Stormwater Helpline

Engineering Services
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Related Services:
Spot, Report, and Stop Water Pollution
