Published 1/22/2025 at 12 p.m.Updated 1/22/2025 at 12 p.m.
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07/30/2024 3:04 pm
The stormwater system is made up of natural and man-made infrastructure. It carries stormwater through the city to local stream and rivers. This helps:
Reduce hazardous flooding;
Preserve water resources; and,
Protect people in Raleigh.
What We Do
Our goal is to improve and maintain the systemso that it works correctly. We also use resources to collect data on the condition of the infrastructure throughout the year. The stormwater system in Raleigh consists of:
600+ miles of City-owned stormwater pipes
1,000+ miles of stormwater pipes owned by NCDOT and other private property owners
190+ miles of City-owned streams, creeks, ditches, and other open channels
980+ miles of streams, creek, ditches, and other open channels owned by private property owners.
What Makes Up the Stormwater System?
Click through the images below to see what makes up the stormwater system in Raleigh.
Ongoing Survey Work
We're getting data and details on the condition of the stormwater system across Raleigh. This includes collecting information on the type and location of the infrastructure and where water flows when it rains.
Better understand the pipes and drains that carry water to streets and streams when it rains; and,
Meet state regulations that require us to take an inventory of the system.
Where We're Working
Zoom in on the map below to see where we're collecting data. Select the three lines on the map (upper right corner) to see what the icons mean.