Tarboro Street View


Tarboro Street Corridor Project

Build a stronger foundation. Build a stronger community.

The City is considering updating N Tarboro Road between Oakwood Avenue and New Bern Avenue.  This initiative was identified through station area planning associated with the Wake BRT: New Bern Ave project.

The Reason Why:

We want to invest in infrastructure for current and future residents that will provide a safe and reliable connection along the street for pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles. 

Some of the things we are thinking about with this project include: 

  • The lack of safe pedestrian connectivity between BRT station and places of employment and residences;
  • Creating art and streetscape elements along the corridor; and, 
  • Making the street safe for walking, bicycling, or driving. 

Project Details

Project Lead:
Monique Gyant



Kenneth Ritchie

Lead Department:
Participating Department:
Engineering ServicesPlanning and DevelopmentCommunity Engagement
Service Unit:
Mobility Strategy and Infrastructure




The Results Are In! 

The community was surveyed to see what corridor improvements they'd like to see on North Tarboro Street. View the results from the Tarboro Road Survey.

Lead Department:


Next Steps

Develop Design Concepts

We are incorporating feedback from the Tarboro Road Survey to develop design concepts. These concepts may include:

  • Placemaking, which creates public spaces that bring people together, build community, and create a local identity.
  • Pedestrian Improvements, where we would evaluate the existing sidewalks and make necessary upgrades to ensure ADA compliance.
  • Traffic Calming, where we can install infrastructure in the street to help slow vehicular traffic speeds.

Take Our Survey! We value your input.

The project team has developed design concepts for the N Tarboro Street corridor. Complete the Tarboro Street Corridor Project survey and share which streetscape improvements and placemaking elements you would like to see in the final design. Survey closes on April 4.
Lead Department:

Project Schedule

Date Activity
March 2023 Visioning
Summer thru Winter 2024 Planning
Spring 2025 Public Engagement