Old Wake Forest Road, before construction


Old Wake Forest Road and Dixie Forest Road Improvement Project

Improving mobility and connectivity for pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular traffic

As part of the city's Complete Streets program, we will be implementing road improvements on Old Wake Forest Road and Dixie Forest Road between Capital Boulevard and Spring Forest Road. These improvements will include widening the roadway and constructing accessibility and safety components to ensure secure access for all users.

Improvements will include:

  • Curb and gutter;
  • An eight-foot-wide sidewalks on one side of the roadway;
  • A 12-foot-wide multi-use path on the other side;
  • Streetlights;
  • Landscaping; and,
  • A new railroad bridge.

Adjustments to project details including width and setback may be included in the final design to avoid significant impacts in certain areas as needed and determined by our Engineering staff.

Project Details

$13 Million
Project Lead:
Roadway Design & Construction
Wetherill Engineering, INC.



Project Manager
Keith Tew

Division Manager
Sylvester Percival, PE

Comment Form

Lead Department:
Engineering Services
Participating Department:
Service Unit:
Roadway Design and Construction




We had an advanced design public touchpoint for the Old Wake Forest Road and Dixie Forest Road Improvement Project in early 2021.

There is a brief presentation available that explains the project's goals, explains some of the project's challenges, and highlights some of the project's proposed features.



Old Wake Forest and Dixie Forest Advanced Design - Roadway Design and Construction

Lead Department:
Engineering Services

Right of Way Acquisition

We are in the Right of Way and Easement Acquisition phase of the Project.

Private utility relocation work is expected to start this spring.

We are scheduled to complete this phase of the project in February 2023 and advertise for construction contracts in Spring 2023.

Next Steps

  • Real estate negotiations will continue
  • Private utility relocation work
  • Advertise for construction bids
  • Award construction contract 
  • Hold pre-construction touchpoint
  • Start construction
Lead Department:
Engineering Services


Project update

February 28, 2025

We plan to advertise this project for construction this spring and expect construction to start in the summer.

The team is working on permitting. 

Permits needed for this project include:

  • Railroad Right of Entry
  • Stormwater
  • North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT)

Once all permits are received, the team will advertise the project for construction bids. After a construction contractor is selected, we will hold a pre-construction meeting with residents along the corridor. 

Lead Department:
Engineering Services


Phase details coming soon.

Lead Department:
Engineering Services


March 8, 2018Preliminary Plans Public Meeting (25% plan)
Nov. 2018City Council Presentation
Winter 2021Advanced Design Public Touchpoint
Winter 2021City Council Presentation
Fall 2023Complete Right of Way and Easement Acquisition
Spring 2025Advertise for Construction Contract
Summer 2025Start Construction

Advanced Design

We had an advanced design public touchpoint in January of 2021. There was a brief presentation that is still available below that explains the project's goals, explains some of the project's challenges, and highlights some of the project's proposed features.


Old Wake Forest and Dixie Forest Advanced Design - Roadway Design and Construction

A rendering of what a typical section of Old Wake Forest Rd will look like after construction is complete.

This typical section rendering depicts what Old Wake Forest Road will look like once construction is complete.

Project History

The original Old Wake Forest Road and Dixie Forest Road widening project design was originally presented to the public on March 8, 2018. This design was then presented to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Council (BPAC), who showed concern with the on-road bike lanes in an area with significant traffic and a 45 mile per hour speed limit. After consulting with the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee and the Raleigh City Council, a new design was proposed for the corridor.

The improved design removes the five-foot-wide bicycle lanes from the roadway and widens the Multi Use Path (MUP) and sidewalks on both sides of the roadway. This new design will give cyclists and pedestrians, as well as vehicles, a safer user experience and will reduce the overall impacts of the project.

The process of developing the new design alternatives, getting the proposed design approved by council, and redeveloping the design drawings has delayed the overall project schedule. The updated schedule can be found below.