Rainbow Flag consists of six stripes, with the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet


LGBTQIA+ Historic Context Study

Discovering Important Places

The LGBTQIA+ Historic Context Study final report and project summary are available to read. Responses to the draft report public comment will also be made available. 

You're invited to attend the final community meeting. Join us to hear about what we learned and tell us what you'd like to see happen next. Light refreshments will be served.

Monday, March 24 | 7 p.m.
Pullen Community Center | 408 Ashe Avenue

The City of Raleigh, on behalf of the Raleigh Historic Development Commission (RHDC), has hired a consultant to prepare a historic context statement. The report identifies places important to LGBTQIA+ history and culture in Raleigh and provides criteria for evaluating future sites for either traditional historic designation or alternative forms of non-regulatory recognition.

This project is a first step to document and recognize historic places important to Raleigh’s LGBTQIA+ community. It is not a comprehensive LGBTQIA+ history of Raleigh or of North Carolina. The final report includes a brief history of Raleigh’s LGBTQIA+ communities, 8 oral history interviews, a list of significant historic places (both existing and lost), documentation of 20 important places, and recommends sites and topics for future research. 

Thanks to those who have followed the progress of Phase I, attended the community meetings, and participated in online surveys. Phase II of this project began in July 2024 with a community kickoff meeting. Past meeting summaries and slides are available. Led by MdM Historical Consultants, Phase II builds on the preliminary research and historic places roster developed during Phase I and has delivered a final report for public use.

Please visit the Email Alerts page to sign up to receive alerts from the RHDC when future Phase II community meetings are scheduled.

Project Details

Historic Preservation
Date Range:
Project Lead:
Erin Morton Pugh, Senior Preservation Planner
MdM Historical Consultants

Upcoming Events

  • Mar

    LGBTQIA+ Historic Places Community Meeting

    7 p.m. • Monday

    Pullen Community Center
    Meeting Room 112B
    408 Ashe Ave
    Raleigh, NC 27607

    Add to Calendar 2025-03-24 19:00:00 2025-03-24 20:30:00 LGBTQIA+ Historic Places Community Meeting LGBTQIA+ Historic Context Study The LGBTQIA+ Historic Context Study report is now available! Check out the final report or project summary to learn about some of Raleigh's important LGBTQIA+ historic places. The project evaluates 20 places for potential local Raleigh Historic Landmark listing, suggests other possible recognition options, and provides recommendations for further study. You are also invited to join city staff and the consultant, Cynthia de Miranda, as they share findings and provide updates about the next steps in the study.Light refreshments will be served.  Pullen Community CenterMeeting Room 112B408 Ashe AveRaleigh, NC 27607 City of Raleigh Historic Preservation919-996-4478historicpreservation@raleighnc.gov America/New_York public

Phase II

  • Community meeting to introduce consultant and provide project updates. (Completed July 31, 2024)
  • Phase I material review and additional document research. (Completed Summer 2024)
  • Draft report posted for public comment. (Completed October 27, 2024)
  • Draft report reviewed by the Raleigh Historic Development Commission (RHDC). (Completed October 16, 2024)
  • Final community meeting to share results of the study and discuss next steps for implementation. (Scheduled March 24, 2025)
  • Present final report to the RHDC. (Scheduled April 9, 2025)
  • Present final report to City Council. (Anticipated April 15, 2025)

Phase I

  • Final project contract executed. (Completed September 27, 2021)
  • Community meeting to introduce the project. (Completed virtually on October 14, 2021 & in person on June 22, 2022)
  • Document research. (Completed)
  • Conduct 8 oral history interviews. (Completed)
  • Community meeting to provide project updates. (Completed October 19, 2022)
  • Draft report sections and roster of historic places provided to City staff. (Completed January 2024)


Part of the Raleigh Historic Development Commission’s (RHDC) mission is to identify and recommend properties and neighborhoods for historic designation. This includes Raleigh Historic LandmarksRaleigh Historic Overlay Districts, and listing in the National Register of Historic Places. City staff identifies previously unknown properties with broad updates to the citywide architectural survey records and by using more targeted theme context studies. Previous context reports prepared include Kit Homes, Architect Leif Valand, and the Method Community.

In response to a citizen request, the RHDC reviewed existing historic designations and found that the LGBTQIA+ community lacks representation. There are currently no properties related to Raleigh’s LGBTQIA+ history listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Additionally, there is not a developed context for evaluating potential LGBTQIA+ historic resources for official recognition.

What is a Historic Context Study?

  • A method of organizing or grouping information about historic properties that share a common theme, place, and/or time.
  • Identifies places important to a specific community, architect, or cultural event.
  • Includes a list of known significant historic places (both existing and lost) and a short history to help fit those places in the larger context.
  • Recommends buildings and sites that are eligible for historic designation or other forms of recognition.
  • Provides a way to evaluate places discovered later.