Proposed pedestrian bride over Wade Ave.


Blue Ridge Road Bike-Ped Improvement Project

We are dedicated to improving bicycle and pedestrian connectivity in Raleigh.

The goal of the project is to increase connectivity for pedestrian and bike traffic along this busy roadway. We are building a new multi-use path along Blue Ridge Road from just north of Trinity Road to Reedy Creek Road. There will also be a pedestrian bridge that spans over Wade Avenue/I440, and North Carolina's first protected intersection.

The Blue Ridge Road Bicycle & Pedestrian Improvement Project is an implementation step of the Blue Ridge Road District Study.

The City is completing the project in two phases. Phase I was the planning and development stage of the project. Phase I of the project included public involvement, which helped to dictate the preliminary plans for the project.

The project is now in phase II. Phase II of the project includes completing final design plans through construction.

Project Details

Bicycle and Pedestrian
$5.5 Million
Project Lead:
Roadway Design & Construction
A. Morton Thomas & Associates, Inc. (Design Consultant), Fred Smith Company (Construction Contractor)



Project Manager
Dennis Trujillo

Division Manager
Sylvester Percival, PE

Comment Form

Lead Department:
Engineering Services
Participating Department:




This phase is complete.

Lead Department:


Updated June 9

The proposed improvements for phase II of the project include:

  • A pedestrian bridge over Wade Avenue;
  • A multi-use path;
  • New sidewalk; and, 
  • A protected intersection at Reedy Creek Road. 

The project was presented to City Council on Nov. 4, 2020.

We have completed the design plans and they are now in review. The project has moved to the right of way and easement phase of the project. 

Lead Department:
Engineering Services

Right of Way Acquisition

Phase ended in fall 2021

The right of way and easement acquisition phase is complete. 

We advertised for construction bids in January 2022. On April 5, 2022, City Council approved the construction bid award. 


Lead Department:
Engineering Services


Project updates

March 2025

Contractors are currently relocating utilities and addressing water valve issues onsite. Once these tasks are completed, they plan to work on the median and bridge foundation at the end of the month.

February 2025

Currently, crews are relocating utilities, both overhead and underground. They are also working on a signal installation at the intersection of Westchase and Blue Ridge. Additionally, preparations are underway for the foundation work of the pedestrian bridge, which is expected to be installed this spring.

January 2025

Due to coordination efforts with NCDOT and private and public utilities, the project is behind schedule. The good news is that crews have resumed work on this exciting project. The contractor has their team working on both the multi-use path and preparations for the installation of the new pedestrian bridge.  

What to expect during construction

  • Lane closures (between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.)
  • Flagging operations
  • Some weekend work
  • No planned road closures on  Blue Ridge Road

Pre-Construction Video

Blue Ridge Road Improvement Project - Pre-construction Video

Lead Department:
Engineering Services


August 2012Adopted District Plan
July 8, 2016Walking Audit with Corridor Stakeholders
September 15, 2016Appearance Commission and Parks, Recreation, and Greenway Advisory Board Presentations
September 19, 2016Bicycle & Pedestrians Advisory Commission Presentation
Fall 2016Preliminary Design and Cost Estimate
October 2016LAPP Funding Application Due
Spring 2017Project did not earn 2018 LAPP funding
Summer 2017Project did not earn 2018 LAPP funding
Summer 2018Becomes Roadway Design & Construction Project
Feb. 3, 2020Preliminary Plan Public Meeting
Late Spring 2020Design Plan Public Touchpoint
Fall 2020City Council Presentation
Spring 2021Start Right of Way & Easement Acquisition
Winter 2022Advertise for Construction Bids
Spring 2022Award Construction Contract
Winter 2023Start Construction
Summer 2026Complete

Project Scope

The scope of the project includes:

  • A 10-foot multi-use path (MUP) on the west side of Blue Ridge Road from approximately 390 feet north of Trinity Road to the northwest quadrant of the westbound on/off-ramps to/from Wade Avenue intersection;
  • A 10-foot MUP from the existing six-foot sidewalk along the frontage of the North Carolina Museum of Art extending to the westbound Wade Avenue off-ramp. Pedestrians will then cross Blue Ridge Road and continue south towards a prefabricated pedestrian bridge over Wade Avenue; and,
  • A protected intersection at Reedy Creek.


Estimated Cost = $ 5.5 million (includes right of way, utilities and construction costs)

Advanced Designs

Key takeaways:

  • NCDOT has two projects in this area. One of them includes the addition of a multi-use path that we will connect to.
  • We are proposing the installation of a pedestrian and bicycle bridge spanning Wade Avenue.
  • Modifications to the intersection of Wade Avenue and Blue Ridge Road will increase safety for pedestrians and cyclists.
  • The protected intersection at Reedy Creek Road and the North Carolina Museum of Art is intended to be maneuvered in a counterclockwise direction.

Blue Ridge Road Bike & Ped Project - Roadway Design & Construction

We are making improvements to the bike and pedestrian infrastructure along Blue Ridge Road from just north of Trinity Road to Reedy Creek Road.

Ready Creek Road & Blue Ridge Road Intersection

How to Use The Protected Intersection 

If a bicyclist is traveling north on Blue Ridge Road and wants to head west on Reedy Creek Road, the bicyclist is to:

  • Enter the intersection,
  • Cross the North Carolina Museum of Art driveway entrance;
  • Cross Blue Ridge Road; and,
  • Stay along the dedicated bike lane heading west on Reedy Creek Road.

For bicyclists on the Reedy Creek Trail, the extra-wide crossing on Blue Ridge Road for bicyclists and pedestrians accommodates this east & west movements.

Landscaping enhancements are proposed behind the bus stop at the intersection with Reedy Creek Road. The landscape character here will echo that of the Art Museum across the street and contribute to the experience of pedestrians and cyclists using the Reedy Creek Greenway. The landscape will also screen adjacent parking areas and will include a modest treatment on the northwest corner of the intersection.


The Blue Ridge Road Bicycle/Pedestrian Improvement Project is an implementation step of the Blue Ridge Road District Study.

The City is completing the project in two phases. Phase I included the design concepts for pedestrian and bicycle facilities in the corridor, including right-of-way and construction estimates, project delivery schedules, and potential funding sources. Public involvement was critical during this phase and input dictated the selection of a preferred alternative.

The project is now in Phase II, which includes the final design and construction of roadway and sidewalk improvements.