Water Main Replacement Atkins

Water and Sewer

Atkins & Canterbury Waterline Replacement

Waterline Replacement

These two streets have histories of water main breaks. City of Raleigh Engineering Services will be re-paving the streets in the coming years and Raleigh Water is working to construct the water main replacements prior to that re-paving work to better maintain the future asphalt integrity. While the design is underway we are also investigating the sewer mains on these streets to determine if they are also candidates for rehab or replacement.

Project Details

Water and Sewer
Project Lead:
Justin Biegler, PE



Justin Biegler, PE
Senior Project Manager
Phone: 919-996-3486
Office Location: 1 Exchange Plaza Suite 620
Raleigh, NC 27601

Lead Department:




This phase is complete.

Lead Department:


Design plans have been submitted for permitting. This project will go out for bidding during February 2023 with construction expected to start during Summer 2023. (Phase Complete)

Lead Department:


Construction is underway, with work being performed by Carolina Civilworks.

Traffic Alert: Full Closure of Two Intersections and the 1600 Block of Canterbury Road
Raleigh Water will close the intersections of Canterbury Road and Fairview Road and Canterbury Road and London Drive, along with the 1600 block of Canterbury Road between Eton Road and Banbury Road, at 7:00 AM on Monday, November 25, 2024, for a water and sewer improvement project. Closure duration is expected to last 8 weeks. Parking restrictions will be enforced in designated areas. Work areas will be opened to local traffic, and access to all homes will be maintained. Construction schedules are subject to change due to weather or other unforeseen conditions.

Lead Department:


Project scheduled for scheduled for completion during Winter 2021.

Lead Department:


These areas have a history of water main breaks and a high level of maintenance required by our Raleigh Water crews. This project showcases the City of Raleigh's past and future planned efforts to coordinate projects with other departments to best spend rate payer dollars. We are coordinating with the repaving efforts of Engineering Services to ensure that we are not doubling efforts.


Date Activity
Winter 2023 Project Design Complete
Winter 2023 Permitting Complete
n/a Easement Acquisition Complete
Spring 2023 Project Bid Complete
Spring 2024 Project Construction Begins
Spring 2025 Project Construction Complete