Homeowner Rehab and Repair Programs

Help with home repairs

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Homeowner Rehab and Repair FAQ Homeowner Rehabilitation Program Limited Repair Program Raleigh Home Revitalization Program

The Community and Small Business Development Division has three programs designed to help homeowners address needed home repairs. These programs cover problems such as leaking roofs, faulty plumbing, electrical or heating systems, broken windows, flooring, and lead paint removal.

Homeowner Rehab and Repair FAQ

View the Homeowner Rehab and Repair FAQ page to learn more about the application, loan process, and construction.

Homeowner Rehabilitation Program

The Homeowner Rehabilitation Program helps homeowners finance the cost of major repairs to homes. The goal of the program is to address issues in the home that present a threat to the life, safety, or health of the occupants.

Who is eligible for this program?

To qualify, you must:

  • Currently own and occupy the home to be rehabilitated;
  • Continue to occupy the home as your primary residence after the work is complete;
  • Have owned the home for at least five years; 
  • Be 62 years or older OR have a disability; and,
  • Have a household income that does not exceed the income limits below.
Income LimitFamily of 1Family of 2Family of 3Family of 4Family of 5Family of 6Family of 7Family of 8

What properties are eligible? 

To qualify, the property must:

  • Be located within the City limits of Raleigh;
  • Be a single-family detached home, townhome, or condominium unit;
  • Have three or more severely deteriorated systems such as roof, HVAC, electrical, plumbing, or structural (if the homeowner qualifies for the program, a rehabilitation specialist will come out to inspect the property to determine if it meets this requirement); and,
  • Have a property value of $384,750 or less.

How much money can I get?

The maximum loan amount is typically $90,000. Loans are deferred payment with 0% interest, and are forgiven after five years unless the borrower defaults.*

*Default occurs if the property is sold or transferred, or if the borrower ceases to reside at the home prior to end of the loan term. In the event of default, the outstanding balance will be due and payable to the City.

How do I apply?

We are not accepting new applications at this time. 

For questions, please contact the Housing and Neighborhoods Department at 919-996-4330 or email Rehabs@raleighnc.gov.

Limited Repair Program

The Limited Repair Program is for repairs to one or more faulty systems such as roof, heating and cooling systems, electrical, plumbing or structural problems. These systems, left untended are a threat to the life, safety or health of the occupants. 

Who is eligible for this program?

To qualify, you must:

  • Currently own and occupy the home to be rehabilitated;
  • Continue to occupy the home as your primary residence after the work is complete;
  • Have owned the home for at least five years; and,
  • Have a household income that does not exceed the income limits below.
Income LimitFamily of 1Family of 2Family of 3Family of 4Family of 5Family of 6Family of 7Family of 8

What properties are eligible? 

To qualify, the property must:

  • Be located within the City limits of Raleigh;
  • Be a single-family detached home, townhome, or condominium unit;
  • Have at least one severely deteriorated systems (such as roof, HVAC, electrical, plumbing, or structural); and,
  • Have a property value of $384,750 or less.

How much money can I get?

The maximum loan amount is typically $20,000. Loans are deferred payment with 0% interest loan, and are forgiven after five years unless the borrower defaults.*

*Default occurs if the property is sold or transferred, or if the borrower ceases to reside at the home prior to end of the loan term. In the event of default, the outstanding balance will be due and payable to the City.

How do I apply?

Preserving Home, formerly known as Rebuilding Together of the Triangle, serves as administrator of the program. To apply, please contact Kelly Zargo at 919-341-5980 or info@rebuildingtogethertriangle.org or complete an application and email, drop it off, or mail it to Preserving Home (PO Box 4099, Cary, NC 27519.) 

Limited Repair Program Application

Raleigh Home Revitalization Program

The Raleigh Home Revitalization Program is for necessary repairs and maintenance to extend the life of homeowner-occupied homes, help seniors age in place, install accessibility measures to help persons with disabilities, and improve the quality of life for residents in targeted geographic areas

Who is eligible for this program?

To qualify, you must:

  • Currently own and occupy the home to be rehabilitated;
  • Continue to occupy the home as your primary residence after the work is complete;
  • Have owned the home for at least ten years; and,
  • Have a household income that does not exceed the income limits below.
Income LimitFamily of 1Family of 2Family of 3Family of 4Family of 5Family of 6Family of 7Family of 8

What properties are eligible? 

To qualify, the property must:

  • Be located within the targeted geographic areas in the City of Raleigh;
  • Be a single-family detached home, townhome, or condominium unit; and,
  • Have a property value of $450,000 or less.

How much money can I get?

The maximum loan amount is typically $30,000. Loans are deferred payment with zero percent interest loan, and are forgiven after five years unless the borrower defaults.*

*Default occurs if the property is sold or transferred, or if the borrower ceases to reside at the home prior to end of the loan term. In the event of default, the outstanding balance will be due and payable to the City.

How do I apply?

Preserving Home, formerly known as Rebuilding Together of the Triangle, serves as administrator of the program. To apply, please contact Kelly Zargo at 919-341-5980 or info@rebuildingtogethertriangle.org or complete an application and email, drop it off, or mail it to Preserving Home (PO Box 4099, Cary, NC 27519).

Raleigh Home Revitalization Application 



Housing and Neighborhoods Department 

Rebuilding Together of the Triangle
Raleigh Home Revitalization Program



Lead Department:
Housing and Neighborhoods
Service Categories:
Community Development