Western BRT


Wake BRT: Western Design and Construction

Connecting Raleigh and Cary with frequent and reliable transit

Western Corridor 

The Wake BRT: Western Corridor will connect downtown Raleigh to downtown Cary.

In November 2016, Wake County Voters approved a plan for focused investment in public transit which puts the implementation of the Wake County Transit Plan in motion. The plan calls for building approximately 20 miles of transit lanes along four (4) BRT corridors within Wake County (Wake BRT).

Project Details

Transportation Improvements
Project Lead:
Transportation - Transit Division



Het Patel
BRT Program Manager
Email Het
Contact Het with any questions about BRT.

Lead Department:
Participating Department:
Planning and DevelopmentEngineering Services
Service Unit:
Public Transportation




Project Overview

The Wake BRT: Western Corridor will connect downtown Raleigh to downtown Cary. The Western corridor is approximately 12 miles. It is proposed to operate in both dedicated transit lanes and mixed traffic between GoRaleigh station in downtown Raleigh and downtown Cary.

In 2016, the Wake Transit Plan identified four BRT corridors for implementation. The Western Corridor connecting downtown Raleigh and downtown Cary was one of the corridors identified. The Western Corridor was further evaluated in the Wake Transit Plan Major Investment Study (MIS) completed in 2018.

Studies & Decisions

Planning Phase began in The Western Corridor in 2019 with the Western Boulevard Corridor Study and completed in Summer of 2022 and approved by Raleigh City Council June 7, 2022. The study analyzed the land use capacity and urban form of the corridor to develop a conceptual land use plan as well as recommended a locally preferred route for the BRT. View the Western Boulevard Corridor Study Final Report, and visit the project page to learn about the Corridor Study.

Phase Contacts


Dhanya Sandeep

Planning Supervisor

Planning and Development



Lead Department:
Planning and Development


The preliminary design phase (0 to 30 percent) for the Western Corridor BRT is underway. The corridor is approximately 12 miles. It will operate in both dedicated transit lanes and mixed traffic between GoRaleigh station in downtown Raleigh and downtown Cary. The final location and number of BRT stations along the corridor will be determined during the preliminary design phase.

As of Summer 2023, the Western Corridor project has reached the 10% design milestone.

Current Activity

  • Continue coordination with Town of Cary, NC State University and NCDOT about existing capital projects along the corridor.
  • Continue preliminary design work (0 to 30 percent) including BRT lanes in the roadway, known as runningways, and station locations.
  • Continue coordination with Federal Transit Administration through the Capital Investment Grant process.
  • Initiate National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
BRT Western Corridor Map

Next Steps


The next round of public engagement is anticipated in Fall 2023, which will include updated design plans for the Western Corridor BRT project.

Phase Contacts


Het Patel

BRT Program Manager

Email Het

Contact Het with any questions about BRT.

Lead Department:


Phase details coming soon.

Lead Department:
Engineering Services


In 2016, the Wake Transit Plan identified four BRT corridors for implementation. The Western Corridor connecting downtown Raleigh and downtown Cary was one of the corridors identified. The Western Corridor was further evaluated in the Wake Transit Plan Major Investment Study (MIS) completed in 2018.

The planning phase began in November 2019 with the Western Boulevard Corridor Study (WBCS). The goal of the study was to create a plan for the successful implementation of BRT service along the corridor. The study analyzed the land use capacity and urban form of the corridor to develop a conceptual land use plan. Additionally, the study recommended a preferred route for the BRT, known as the Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA).  

A kickoff meeting was held in November 2019. Public participation helped to prioritize areas for redevelopment along the corridor. View the survey results. 

Information from the November 2019 kickoff meeting:

Virtual Engagement – September 2020 

In September 2020, the City of Raleigh staff hosted a virtual Q&A session for the Western Boulevard Corridor Study. Following the virtual engagement, a Frequently Asked Questions document was developed for public review.

Virtual Engagement – Fall 2020 

In November 2020, the City of Raleigh staff and consultants hosted a Virtual Open House to provide an overview of the BRT program, provide project-specific updates and gather public and stakeholder feedback. 

Virtual Engagement - Spring 2021

In May 2021, the City of Raleigh staff and consultants hosted a second Virtual Open House to provide an overview of the BRT program, project-specific updates, and gather public and stakeholder feedback.

Fall Engagement – Fall 2022

In Fall 2022, a third Virtual Open House and 5 in person pop up events were hosted to provide an overview of the BRT Program and provide project specific updates. In person events were held at the following times and locations:

  • November 15, 2022 - New Bern Corridor Update at Tarboro Road Community Center from 6-8 p.m.
  • November 17, 2022 - Ask a Planner event at Go Raleigh Station from 9-11 a.m.
  • November 29, 2022 Ask a Planner event at Go Raleigh Station from 9-11 a.m.
  • November 18, 2022 Ask a Planner event at Raleigh Union Station from 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
  • November 30, 2022 Ask a Planner event at Cary Regional Library from 12-2 p.m.

The information presented at in person events was the same provided in the Wake Bus Rapid Transit Virtual Open House. Provided was a handout, video, and display board developed for public review. Please visit the virtual open house portal to view the live Virtual Q&A session.


Date Event
2018 Wake Transit Plan Major Investment Study
2019 Western Boulevard Corridor Study Begins
Fall 2020 Western Corridor Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) Selected
Winter 2020 0–30% Design Begins
Summer 2022 Western Boulevard Corridor Study Complete
Fall 2024 Federal Small Starts Application
Spring 2025 30% Design Complete
Spring 2025 Anticipated Start of Final Design

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