Aerial photo of Raleigh Skyline

Wake BRT - Southern

Fast, Safe, and Reliable Transit for Everyone.

Southern Corridor - Most Recent Update:

The Wake BRT: Southern Corridor project is currently in the final design phase (30% - 100% design). In March of 2023, the project received a “Medium High” rating in the Federal Tranist Administration (FTA) Capital Improvement Grant (CIG) Annual Report and was recommended for funding in the President’s proposed budget to congress. Engagement related to final project design will restart in Spring/Summer of 2025.

Southern Corridor - Handout (pdf)
Southern Corridor - Spanish Handout (pdf) 

Bus Rapid Transit is coming to our region! Planning is underway for fast, safe, and reliable bus service along four key corridors in Wake County. This page is about the Southern Corridor, connecting Raleigh and Garner.

There are two major focus areas for BRT planning in Raleigh:

  1.  Design + Construction of the BRT routes, stations, and bus lanes, and;
  2. Station Area Planning which focuses on community planning for the amenities and areas within a short walk of BRT stations. 

You can get project updates, find engagement opportunities, seek resources, and more by clicking the boxes below.

What's Happening in the Southern Corridor

  1. Design and Construction
  2. Station Area Land Use Planning



Project Manager
Sam Brewer 
Contact Sam with any questions about BRT design and construction. 

BRT Program Manager
Het Patel

Contact Het with any questions about BRT planning and design.

TransportationPlanning and DevelopmentEngineering ServicesParks, Recreation and Cultural ResourcesCommunity Engagement
Service Categories:
Mobility Strategy and InfrastructurePublic TransportationPlanningRaleigh Arts
