Sidewalk construction on Yadkin Drive


How to get a major or minor encroachment in Raleigh.

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Major Encroachments Minor Encroachments

The encroachment process is available for customers that request the placement of structures or temporary items in the public right-of-way. The right-of-way includes, sidewalks, streets, and street shoulders. Applications must be submitted approximately one month before the requested Council date. 

Major Encroachments

Major Encroachments are permanent assets or structures that are installed in the public right-of-way. Major encroachments require City Council approval, following staff review. Permits for the installation are issued after Council approval.

Read more information on the Major Encroachment Process.

Minor Encroachments

Minor Encroachments are mostly temporary (minor) in nature. They pose minimal long-term physical impact on public space and can easily be removed.

Read more information on the Minor Encroachment Process.



Major Encroachments:
Lenny Wallace
Right-of-Way Reviewer

Minor Encroachments:

Awnings & Exterior Lighting
Email the Current Planning team 

Projecting & A-frame Signs
Email the Sign Permits team


Lead Department:
Service Categories:
Permits - Commercial Permits - ResidentialPermits - Zoning