A round stormwater pipe at the Dacian Road crossing


Glenbrook Drive and Dacian Road Stormwater Improvements

Stormwater System Upgrades

We are updating to the stormwater system near the intersection of Glenbrook Drive and Dacian Road. These upgrades will reduce road and home flooding and improve the stream channel in this area.

Project Details

$3 million
Project Lead:
Stormwater Management
WSP (Design)



Todd Rall
Project Manager

Lead Department:
Engineering Services
Service Unit:




We completed the scope for this project and the consultant will draft the design for the stormwater upgrades.

Lead Department:
Engineering Services


This phase is complete.

Public Meeting

Stormwater staff hosted a public meeting on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. Attendees had the opportunity to discuss the current status of the improvement project and provide feedback or concerns.

Lead Department:
Engineering Services


Construction will begin March 2025. We will survey the project area to identify project boundaries and potential water, sewer and stormwater pipes. We will then do tree removal, erosion control, and tree and construction fencing  installation. No major utility interruptions are anticipated during this project.

Road closures are going to impact the community, but traffic detours will be posted.  The duration of the project is approximately 10  months which puts the end of construction in early 2026.

System Upgrades

The following changes will help reduce flooding and improve roadway safety by allowing stormwater to flow through the drainage system more easily when it rains:

  • Install new inlets and pipes along Glenbrook Drive and Dacian Road;
  • Install new concrete box culverts under Glenbrook Drive and Dacian Road;
  • Improve the channel between Glenbrook Drive and Dacian Road to accommodate the larger box culverts;
  • Upgrade the stormwater system that goes past Elmhurst Circle;
  • Buyout and remove two homes previously subject to repetitive flooding.
Lead Department:
Engineering Services


Spring 2022Project planning begins
Fall 2022Project design begins
Fall 2022Public meeting planned
Early 2024Project design complete
Spring 2025Project construction begins
Early 2026Project complete

A stormwater pipe on Dacian Road that needs to be replaced. 

A stormwater pipe on Glenbrook Drive that needs to be replaced. 


Properties on Glenbrook Drive and Dacian Road experience stream erosion and yard flooding. Flooding can be caused by many different things. Some properties experience flooding from: 

This project originated from the South Raleigh Drainage Studies.