Veiw of Renaissance Park from above looking down two center streets with homes surrounding

Missing Middle Metrics

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June 2024 May 2024 April 2024 March 2024 February 2024 (includes Jan.) December 2023 (includes Sept., Oct., and Nov.) August 2023 July 2023 June 2023 May 2023 April 2023 March 2023 February 2023 January 2023 December 2022 November 2022 August 2021 - October 2022

Below you will find data on missing middle housing types in Raleigh. There are a few things to know as you look at this information:

  • The "Submitted Applications" column includes permitted and completed projects.
  • The term "Land Subdivision" means a new lot or lots are created which will allow missing middle housing. Missing middle housing types would not have been allowed on these lots prior to TC-5-20 and/or TC-20-21.
  • Actual development permits are reported separately under each missing middle housing type.
  • Permitting data reflected for ADU and Townhouse dwelling units can be found below.

June 2024

Missing Middle Housing TypeSubmitted Applications (Approval sought from the City and must be granted if all UDO requirements are met includes those in review and those permitted)Permitted (Under Construction or eligible to be Under Construction)Completed (occupied or eligible to be occupied)
Land Subdivision56 MM Subs30 MM Subs26 built MM lots
ADU190 units50 units105 units
Townhouse133 units10624

May 2024

Missing Middle Housing TypeSubmitted Applications (Approval sought from the City and must be granted if all UDO requirements are met includes those in review and those permitted)Permitted (Under Construction or eligible to be Under Construction)Completed (occupied or eligible to be occupied)
Land Subdivision54 MM Subs28 MM Subs24 built MM lots
ADU188 units56 units98 units
Townhouse110 units8524

April 2024

Missing Middle Housing TypeSubmitted Applications (Approval sought from the City and must be granted if all UDO requirements are met includes those in review and those permitted)Permitted (Under Construction or eligible to be Under Construction)Completed (occupied or eligible to be occupied)
Land Subdivision52 MM Subs27 MM Subs18 built MM lots
ADU195 units55 units95 units
Townhouse98 units7118

March 2024

Missing Middle Housing TypeSubmitted Applications (Approval sought from the City and must be granted if all UDO requirements are met includes those in review and those permitted)Permitted (Under Construction or eligible to be Under Construction)Completed (occupied or eligible to be occupied)
Land Subdivision48 MM Subs25 MM Subs14 built MM lots
ADU194 units60 units86 units
Townhouse87 units6414

February 2024 (includes Jan.)

Missing Middle Housing TypeSubmitted Applications (Approval sought from the City and must be granted if all UDO requirements are met includes those in review and those permitted)Permitted (Under Construction or eligible to be Under Construction)Completed (occupied or eligible to be occupied)
Land Subdivision47 MM Subs23 MM Subs11 built MM lots
ADU191 units60 units86 units
Townhouse81 units6211

December 2023 (includes Sept., Oct., and Nov.)

Missing Middle Housing TypeSubmitted Applications (Approval sought from the City and must be granted if all UDO requirements are met includes those in review and those permitted)Permitted (Under Construction or eligible to be Under Construction)Completed (occupied or eligible to be occupied)
Land Subdivision46 MM Subs19 MM Subs7 built MM lots
ADU231 units77 units84 units
Townhouse44 units267

August 2023

Missing Middle Housing Type

Submitted Applications (Approval sought from the City and must be granted if all UDO requirements are met)

Permitted (Under Construction or eligible to be Under Construction)

Completed (occupied or eligible to be occupied)

Land Subdivision

29 total MM subdivisions

10 MM subdivisions approved

0 built MM subdivision lots


192 units

67 units

67 units


30 units



July 2023

Missing Middle Housing Type

Submitted Applications (Approval sought from the City and must be granted if all UDO requirements are met)

Permitted (Under Construction or eligible to be Under Construction)

Completed (occupied or eligible to be occupied)

Land Subdivision

28 total MM subdivisions

9 MM subdivisions approved

0 built MM subdivision lots


179 units

63 units

67 units


30 units



June 2023

Missing Middle Housing Type

Submitted Applications (Approval sought from the City and must be granted if all UDO requirements are met)

Permitted (Under Construction or eligible to be Under Construction)

Completed (occupied or eligible to be occupied)

Land Subdivision

24 total MM subdivisions

8 MM subdivisions approved

0 built MM subdivision lots


169 units

6 units

59 units


11 units



May 2023

Missing Middle Housing Type

Submitted Applications (Approval sought from the City and must be granted if all UDO requirements are met)

Permitted (Under Construction or eligible to be Under Construction)

Completed (occupied or eligible to be occupied)

Land Subdivision

21 total MM subdivisions

8 MM subdivisions approved

0 built MM subdivision lots


162 units

61 units

57 units


4 units



April 2023

Missing Middle Housing Type

Submitted Applications (Approval sought from the City and must be granted if all UDO requirements are met)

Permitted (Under Construction or eligible to be Under Construction)

Completed (occupied or eligible to be occupied)

Land Subdivision

17 total MM subdivisions

6 MM subdivisions approved

0 built MM subdivision lots


160 units

61 units

50 units


4 units



March 2023

Missing Middle Housing Type

Submitted Applications (Approval sought from the City and must be granted if all UDO requirements are met)

Permitted (Under Construction or eligible to be Under Construction)

Completed (occupied or eligible to be occupied)

Land Subdivision

14 total MM subdivisions

4 MM subdivisions approved

0 built MM subdivision lots


154 units

59 units

50 units


4 units



February 2023

Missing Middle Housing Type

Submitted Applications (Approval sought from the City and must be granted if all UDO requirements are met)

Permitted (Under Construction or eligible to be Under Construction)

Completed (occupied or eligible to be occupied)

Land Subdivision

13 total MM subdivisions

 4 MM subdivisions approved

0 built MM subdivision lots


 148 units

 53 units

 44 units





January 2023

Missing Middle Housing Type

Submitted Applications (Approval sought from the City and must be granted if all UDO requirements are met)

Permitted (Under Construction or eligible to be Under Construction)

Completed (occupied or eligible to be occupied)

Land Subdivision

12 total MM subdivisions [1]

4 MM subdivisions approved

0 built MM subdivision lots


 138 units

53 units

 44 units





[1] SUB-0034-2022 was withdrawn in Jan. 2023 for four attached dwelling unit on two lots in R-4 zoning at 5710 Glenwood Ave.

December 2022

Missing Middle Housing Type

Submitted Applications (Approval sought from the City and must be granted if all UDO requirements are met)

Permitted (Under Construction or eligible to be Under Construction)

Completed (occupied or eligible to be occupied)

Land Subdivision

13 total MM subdivisions

4 MM subdivisions approved

0 built MM subdivision lots


141 units

104 units

37 units





November 2022

Missing Middle Housing Type

Submitted Applications (Approval sought from the City and must be granted if all UDO requirements are met)

Permitted (Under Construction or eligible to be Under Construction)

Completed (occupied or eligible to be occupied)

Land Subdivision

11 total MM subdivisions

2 MM subdivisions approved

0 built MM subdivision lots


126 units

51 units

30 units





August 2021 - October 2022

Missing Middle Housing Type

Submitted Applications (Approval sought from the City and must be granted if all UDO requirements are met)

Permitted (Under Construction or eligible to be Under Construction)

Completed (occupied or eligible to be occupied)

Land Subdivision

11 total MM subdivisions

2 MM subdivisions approved

0 built MM subdivision lots


90 units

46 units

11 units
