Tree Conservation Areas

Information on tree conservation areas and the development process.

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How do I know if there is a tree conservation area on my property? What is allowed in a tree conservation area? Information for developers

Establishing tree conservation areas can be part of Raleigh’s development process.  All development plans two acres and larger in size since May of 2005 had to meet this requirement.  These areas help provide a better environment for our communities and lessen the impact of development: This means cleaner air, lower noise pollution, and less water runoff.

When it comes to development, tree conservation review is part of the process for some site plan (land), residential, and non-residential projects. 

How do I know if there is a tree conservation area on my property?

Tree conservation areas are shown on a map that is managed by your local county Register of Deeds. You can contact any of the tree conservation contacts listed on this page for additional questions about a tree conservation area.

What is allowed in a tree conservation area?

Tree conservation areas should not be disturbed. In these areas, you are not allowed to:

  • Disturb the soil;
  • Place a structure or fence;
  • Remove or harm vegetation;
  • Construct a road or trail;
  • Apply chemical or biological agents;
  • Add impervious surface (permanent or temporary);
  • Drive vehicles or equipment; or,
  • Store materials (permanent or temporary).

For additional information, please refer to Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) section 9.1.6. The definition of tree disturbing activity can be found in UDO Chapter 12. 

Information for developers

The following documents may be helpful for tree conservation plan review or inspection:

Document Name What It's For...
City of Raleigh Standard Detail Drawings
  • Tree work in the right-of-way
  • Protection of trees in tree conservation areas
Tree Conservation Standardized Names
  • Labeling tree conservation areas, especially on a map
Tree Conservation Plan Data Sheet
  • To be submitted with all tree conservation plans 
Tree Conservation Plat Statement
  • To be included on all maps recording tree conservation areas 
Urban Forestry Inspector Map
  • Contacts for field questions: street trees, tree conservation, tree protection fences 



Alan Moore
Urban Forestry Planner

Robert Turner
Urban Forestry Planner

Doug White
Urban Forestry Inspector

Leigh Bragassa
Urban Forestry Inspector

David Norris
Urban Forestry Inspector

Chris Crum
Development Forester

Zach Manor
Urban Forester


Lead Department:
Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources
Service Categories:
Land / Site DevelopmentPermits - ResidentialPermits - Commercial Parks

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