Greenway Alerts

Closures and Detours

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The City of Raleigh has 117 miles of greenway trails that are located adjacent to various streams, the Neuse River, and its numerous tributaries. Many of our trails also share the same space with our other public infrastructure, such as sewer lines. In order to maintain exceptional infrastructure for our citizens, the trails and the sewer lines need regular maintenance or improvements. Maintenance and improvements can result in closures and/or detours. The status alerts below provide information on where improvements are being made that require detours and full closures. In some cases, an alert without a closure or detour will be provided for information only. The Interactive Map, found below, correlates to the status alerts. Click on the highlighted areas for more information.

It is important for everyone to be able to use the trails for recreation, commuting, exercise, and play. The City of Raleigh staff works hard to keep greenways safe and open. Learn more about Greenway Safety and Etiquette.

Did you know?

Greenway corridors protect environmentally sensitive areas that can be prone to flooding. To provide public access to nature, greenway trails are planned in these corridors where appropriate. Keeping this in mind, flooding can occur unexpectedly on the trail.

If you see something needing repair or maintenance, please contact the greenway maintenance staff at 919-996-4115 or by email or report it on SeeClickFix.

Greenway Closures Interactive Map

Closure Map:

Want Greenway Alert Emails or Texts?

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Greenways Status Alerts

Status Codes

  • Code Red Indicates Greenway Closure
  • Code Yellow Indicates Greenway Detour
  • Code Green Indicates Greenway Open
Code Red

Neuse River Trail Closure

Between Mile Markers 12.5 and 16.75


Raleigh Water is continuing the construction of the West Neuse Sewer Interceptor Project, an important sewer interceptor replacement project along the Neuse River, from Anderson Point Park to Alvis Farm. Sections of the Neuse River Trail are closed to safely accommodate construction and protect trail users. Closure of the Neuse River Trail will take place in three phases.

Phase 1 Closure A portion of the Phase 1 closure has been reopened from Anderson Point Park to the Mingo Creek/Knightdale trail bridge connector over the Neuse River. The remaining trail in Phase 1 (up to New Bern Ave/US 64/Milburnie Greenway bridge) will be reopened when restoration is complete, projected for May 30, 2025.
Phase 2 Closure – The trail from New Bern Ave/US 64 to the Hedingham community is closed through July 2025.
Phase 3 Closure – The trail from the Hedingham community to Alvis Farm is closed through Nov. 30, 2025. 
Due to the absence of continuous adjacent bicycle and pedestrian facilities that can accommodate all user types, a detour is not feasible. View Closure Map. 

Janeen Goodwin, 919-996-3494

Places Affected

Projects Affected

Code Yellow

Crabtree Creek Trail Closure with Detour

Mile Marker 11.50


A section of the Crabtree Creek Trail between Alleghany Drive and the north side of I-440 is closed due to a N.C. Department of Transportation project to rehabilitate a vehicular bridge that passes over the trail. A detour is available for use along Alleghany Drive, Yadkin Drive, Currituck Drive, Chowan Circle, and through North Hills Park. View Detour Map.

David Hamilton, 919-996-4859 

Code Yellow

Neuse River Trail Closure with Detour

At Mile Marker 8


A section of the Neuse River Trail is closed near the intersection of U.S. 401/Ligon Mill Road/Mitchell Mill Road with a detour available, due to a N.C. Department of Transportation project to upgrade the intersection to reduce congestion and improve traffic in the area. View Detour Map. For more information, visit the NCDOT project page.

William Hamilton, 919-996-4859

Code Red

Crabtree Creek Trail Closure

Mile Marker 16.75

A section of the Turkey Creek Trail at Umstead State Park is closed for a bridge replacement project. During this time, access between Umstead State Park, the Crabtree Creek Trail and the parking lot located at 4924 Ebenezer Church Road, will remain open. Be advised that users will not be able to go north into Umstead State Park along the Turkey Creek Trail from the Crabtree Creek Trail. This project is being coordinated by North Carolina State Parks.

Do not use Ebenezer Church Road as access to the trail systems. Ebenezer Church Road is a busy vehicular road with a speed limit of 45 mph. For your safety, do not cross the construction barricades.

Kris Anne Bonifacio, 919-707-9369 

Code Red

Wakefield Trail Closure

Between Mile Markers 1.25 and 0.75


A section of the Wakefield Trail will be closed, between Old Falls of Neuse Road and Rosalie Street, is scheduled to be closed starting April 7, 2025 through October 7, 2025, due to the Wakefield Trail Improvements Project. No detour will be available for this closure. View the Trail Closure Map.

David Bender, 919-996-4798

Places Affected

Projects Affected



To report a Greenway maintenance issue: 

Greenway Planning and Greenway Map Requests: 


Lead Department:
Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources