
City Proposes Funding for Housing, Infrastructure, and More

Give your input at the Public Hearing July 2

The public is invited to weigh in on a proposed update for housing and community development plans on July 2. The public hearing will be at 1 p.m. in the Council Chamber at 222 W. Hargett Street. 

The City of Raleigh is proposing updates for housing and community development plans. The proposals request up to $14.2 million in funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for additional funding for: 

  • Special economic development: $3 million;
  • Acquisition of property: $3 million; 
  • Housing rehabilitation: $7 million; and,
  • Public facilities and improvements: $1.2 million. 

This funding comes from the Loan Guarantee Program in the 24-25 Annual Action Plan with Housing and Urban Development. While the Raleigh City Council already approved the action plan and the 2021-2025 Consolidated Plan, additional public input and a council vote are required for further action. We invite your input.

How to share your feedback: 

1. Sign up to speak at the public meeting by visiting the Public Hearings webpage and filling out the form. Select “2021-2025 Consolidated Plan and FY2024-2025 Annual Action Plan” as the hearing item. 


2. Submit written comments during the 30-day comment period, from May 31 to July 1: 

  • Email to (subject line: “Substantial Amendment Comment”) 
  • Mail to Housing and Neighborhoods Department, P.O. Box 590, Raleigh, NC 27602 (write “Substantial Amendment Comment” at the top). 

Learn more about these proposed changes: Community Development Reports and Documents | 

Lead Department:
Housing and Neighborhoods
